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Unit: SDL_matrix
Class: TMat4D
Declaration: procedure CopyMat3DToTimeSlot (SrcMat: TMat3D; SrcLowCol, SrcHighCol, SrcLowRow, SrcHighRow, SrcLowLay, SrcHighLay, TimeSlot, DestCol, DestRow, DestLayer: integer);

The method CopyMat3DToTimeSlot copies part of the 3D matrix SrcMat into the time slot TimeSlot.

The range to be copied is specified in the parameters SrcLowCol, SrcHighCol, SrcLowRow, SrcHighRow, SrcLowLay, and SrcHighLay. The position of the first cell to be filled in is given by the parameters DestCol, DestRow, and DestLayer.

The parameter TimeSlot has to be within the valid range (i.e. between 1 and NrOfTimeSlots), otherwise an exception is raised. If the specified source range is larger than the destination matrix, the excess values are lost.

Hint: Setting the SrcLow... and SrcHigh... values of a dimension to zero values is equivalent to using the entire range of the corresponding dimension. Thus the statement
CopyMat3DToTimeSlot (SrcMat, 1, 10  // SrcLowCol, SrcHighCol,
                             1, 10, // SrcLowRow, SrcHighRow,
                             0, 0,  // SrcLowLay, SrcHighLay,
                             1,     // TimeSlot,
                             1,1,1); // DestCol, DestRow, DestLayer

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06