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Class: TMat4D
Declaration: procedure CopyFrom (MatSource: TMat4D; SrcLowCol, SrcHighCol, SrcLowRow, SrcHighRow, SrcLowLayer, SrcHighLayer, SrcLowTSlot, SrcHighTSlot, DestCol, DestRow, DestLayer, DestTSlot: integer);

The method CopyFrom copies a part of the matrix MatSource into its own data area (self).

The region to be copied is specified by the the parameters SrcLowCol, SrcHighCol, SrcLowRow, SrcHighRow, SrcLowLayer, SrcHighLayer, SrcLowTSlot, and SrcHighTSlot.

The destination area is defined by the parameters DestCol, DestRow, DestLayer, and DestTSlot. The element [DestCol, DestRow, DestLayer, DestTSlot] is filled by the value of the source matrix at address [SrcLowCol, SrcLowRow, SrcLowLayer, SrcLowTSlot ] and all other elements are copied to appropriate higher addresses.

Hint 1: SrcLowCol (or SrcLowRow, SrcLowLayer, SrcLowTSlot resp.) need not to be lower than SrcHighCol (or SrcHighRow, SrcHighLayer, SrcHighTSlot, resp.) since the method CopyFrom automatically allows for the correct copying sequence.

Hint 2: Setting both the low and high source parameters of a dimension (i.e. SrcLowCol and SrcHighCol) to zero values forces the method to copy all elements of that dimension.

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06