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Home MathPack Matrix Class TMat4D Methods CopyLayerToMatrix | |||||||
See also: MeanOfLayersToMatrix, StdDevOfLayersToMatrix, CopyMatrixToLayer (Mat4D), CopyArrayToLayer | |||||||
CopyLayerToMatrix |
The method CopyLayerToMatrix copies the data of the layer Layer at the time slot TimeSlot to the two-dimensional matrix DestMat. The range of the copied data has to be specified in the parameters LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, and HighRow. As a shortcut, setting both LowCol and HighCol to zero is equal to copying the entire range of available columns, the same being true for the range of rows when LowRow and HighRow are both set to zero. The destination matrix DestMat is automatically resized to accomodate to the number of copied data cells. The parameters Layer and TimeSlot have to be within the valid range (i.e. between 1 and NrOfLayers, and 1 and NrOfTimeSlots), otherwise an exception is raised.