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Class: none
Declaration: [1] function LoadArray (FName: string; var Arr: TIntArray; var Comment: string): integer;
[2] function LoadArray (FName: string; var Arr: TInt2DArray; var Comment: string): integer;
[3] function LoadArray (FName: string; var Arr: TInt3DArray; var Comment: string): integer;
[4] function LoadArray (FName: string; var Arr: TDoubleArray; var Comment: string): integer;
[5] function LoadArray (FName: string; var Arr: TDouble2DArray; var Comment: string): integer;
[6] function LoadArray (FName: string; var Arr: TDouble3DArray; var Comment: string): integer;

The function LoadArray loads the data of an array previously stored by the function StoreArray into the matrix Arr. The parameter FName specifies the filename of the stored array, the variable parameter Comment returns any single-line comment which is stored along with the data.

Please note that the function LoadArray cannot read data stored by StoreArray if the parameter InsertIndices was set to TRUE. In this case the function returns an error.

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... everything is OK
-1 ... cannot read file FName (missing or invalid format)
-2 ... array data on file do not match the dimensions of matrix Arr

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06