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Class: none
Declaration: [1] function LocalMedian (Data: TIntArray; Index, NNeighbors, LimitLow, LimitHigh: integer): double;
[2] function LocalMedian (Data: TDoubleArray; Index, NNeighbors, LimitLow, LimitHigh: integer): double;

The function LocalMedian calculates the median of the +/- NNeighbors values around the index Index of the array Data. The parameters LimitLow and LimitHigh restrict the region from which the values are taken.

Hint: The valid range of all parameters is given by the length of the array Data: 0 ... length(Data)-1. If a parameter exceeds the valid range it is automatically restricted to the closest limit. If the array Data has zero length the function returns a zero value.

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06