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Class: none
Declaration: [1] procedure SaveBinaryArray (FName: string; Arr: TInt2DArray; DataID: string);
[2] procedure SaveBinaryArray (FName: string; Arr: TDouble2DArray; DataID: string);
[3] procedure SaveBinaryArray (FName: string; Arr: TDouble3DArray; DataID: string);
[4] procedure SaveBinaryArray (FName: string; Arr: TDouble4DArray; DataID: string);

The procedure SaveBinaryArray stores the data of the array Arr in the binary file specified by the parameter FName. The parameter DataID may contain any single-line user-defined identifier which is stored with the data. The procedure increments the global variable ProcStat and calls the feedback routine MathFeedBackProc in order to allow feedback to the user during time consuming calculations.

Hint: The binary data format used by this routine is compatible with the binary data format used by TMatrix.SaveBinary.

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06