Component Suite Examples

This page lists some of the sample applications which come with the SDL Component Suite. You may download the examples including the executables (for Windows) in order to get a quick impression of the functionality of the SDL Component Suite. Some of the programs listed below are delivered with the SDL Component Suite both as Pascal and as C++ sources.

Program Unit /
Description Download
rasterlabel RasterLab Shows the capabilities of the unit RASTERLAB. You can adjust most of the properties of the dot matrix display. This program can be used to experiment with the dot matrix display before implementing a concrete layout in your own application.
(319 kB)
rch2win RChart rch2win shows moving data points and a swinging rod in two RCHART windows.
(337 kB)
rch3dbar RChart A simple application to display bargraphs using RCHART. The angle, depth and height of the bars can be changed.
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rchdrag RChart An application which shows how to drag data displayed within an RCHART by the mouse.
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rchfifo RChart RCHART is used to display a "running" chart like in chart recorders.
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rchmouse RChart A simple application to display the chart coordinates of the mouse cursor within RCHART.
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rchmovel RChart Moving data points over fixed graphs (using RCHART).
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rchzoomp RChart Application showing the different zoom modes of RCHART.
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rclegend RChart This sample program shows how to create a legend on the RCHART canvas.
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rcshared RChart This application nicely shows how set up several RCHARTs which share common data.
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rctextlabels RChart Shows the application of text labels within a chart. You can move the labels by mouse and set some of the parameters of a label. Uses units RCHART and COLSEL.
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rctstspd RChart If you are keen to know how fast RCHART really is, you should download and start this little application (typical drawing speed: about 1000 CPU cycles per data point + overhead for drawing scales etc., resulting in a total redraw time of 0.2 sec for 50000 data points on a 500 MHz CPU). The included sources are for Delphi™ 4 or higher.
(339 kB)
repldragdrop RepList Shows how to implement drag and drop using the report listview contained in unit REPLIST.
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replistv RepList Shows the capabilities of the unit REPLIST
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repspeedbut RepSBut Shows the capabilities of the component TRepSBut. The user may experiment with both the intial period and the interval between clicks. The sample program also shows the difference between the OnClick and the OnRepeatClick event.
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rotlabel RotLab Shows the capabilities of the unit ROTLAB
(273 kB)
scalemeter Scale Shows the usage of the unit SCALE as a simple gauge by using the events OnBeforeScaleRendered and OnAfterScaleRendered.
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schart SmithChart Shows the usage of the component SMITHCHART to display complex s-parameters of an electronic circuit.
(310 kB)
sdlprogbar ProgBar Shows the capabilities of the unit PROGBAR. You can adjust most of the properties of the progress bar. This program can be used to experiment with the progress bar before implementing a concrete layout in your own application.
(303 kB)
sevenseg SevenSeg Shows the capabilities of the unit SEVENSEG. The user may adjust all major parameters of the component.
(273 kB)
shcstruk ChemGrph The program shcstruk displays chemical structures read from MDL MOL files. The program uses the unit CHEMGRPH to display the structure.
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simplegeomap GeoMap A calibrated map of Austria is provided along with this application. The program uses the unit GEOMAP to display the geographic maps.
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simplepca Math2 This program shows how to implement a principal component analysis (PCA) using the unit MATH2. The data set supplied with this sample program contains geometric data of genuine and counterfeit banknotes. The two classes of banknotes can be clearly discriminated (data set courtesy of H. Riedwyl, Bern, Switzerland).
(446 kB)
slides Thumbnails This program shows how to create a slide catalog by using the unit THUMBNAILS.
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sline SLine This program shows how to use the TSLine component for calculating the intersections of straight lines.
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sortarray Math1 This program shows how to sort both static and dynamic arrays using the procedure SortArray of the unit MATH1.
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spline Math2 This program shows the calculation of splines (using the unit MATH2). You can move the data points, and set the border conditions (natural splines, or 1st derivative at border point). In addition, you can create a smoothed spline, which can be varied in smoothness between no smoothing (resulting in a natural spline) and full smoothing (linear regression line).
(365 kB)
testvec Vector A simple program to show the application of the class TVector (unit VECTOR).
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userspec RChart This program shows how to implement user-specific extensions of an RCHART.
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waveletcoeff Math2 This program calculates individual Daubeschies wavelets by means of the inverse wavelet transformation. The user may set the order of the wavelet and the coefficient.
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