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Class: TDataTable
Declaration: function SumOfSquaredMarkedCells (LowCol,LowRow,HighCol,HighRow: integer; CellState: byte; var NumData: integer): double;

The function SumOfSquaredMarkedCells sums up all squared data cells within a specified range of cells which meet the following requirements: (1) they must not be marked as csNAN, nor as csUndefined, and (2) their cell state has to match the CellState parameter at least in one bit, and (3) they have to belong to either interval or ratio scaled variables (that is, all cells which contain "real" numbers). Allowed states of the CellState parameter are csUser1, csUser2, csUser3, csImputed, csMarkedA, and csMarkedB.

The range of the data table elements to be summed is determined by the parameters LowRow, LowCol, HighRow, and HighCol. If any of these parameters receives an invalid value, this value is automatically adjusted to the nearest boundary value (either 1 or NrOfColumns / NrOfRows).

The function returns the sum of the squared numeric data cells within the specified range. The variable parameter NumData returns the number of data points used for the calculation (i.e. the number of marked numeric data cells within the specified range).

Hint: Setting both the low and high parameter of a dimension (i.e. LowCol and HighCol) to zero values forces the method to use all elements of that dimension.

Last Update: 2023-Dec-14