The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....

Public Constants

Cell states:

The following constants define predefined states of the cells of a TDataTable object. There are 2 user defined flags (csUser1 and csUser2) which can be used for application specific purposes.

Constant Value Explanation
csReset $00 cell state: reset (no special state) - redundant with csNone
csNone $00 cell state: none - redundant with csReset
csNAN $01 cell state: not a number; specifies a cell if it contains an invalid number (e.g. infinity, or numbers beyond the numeric range of double precision values)
csUndefined $02 undefined or empty cell
csUser1 $04 user defined cell state
csUser2 $08 user defined cell state
csReadOnly $10 cell is readonly (cannot be edited by the user)
csImputed $20 cell contains imputed data
csMarkedA $40 cell is marked as type A (as used in TNTabEd)
csMarkedB $80 cell is marked as type B (as used in TNTabEd)
csAll $FF all cell states combined


Various Constants:

Constant Value Explanation
DT_MaxColOrRows 2000000000 div (DT_NameWidth+1) maximum size of data table in one dimension
DT_MaxNominalIDs 150 maximum number of nominal/ordinal identifiers
DT_NameWidth 50 maximum length of column and row names
DT_NominalID_Width 10 maximum length of nominal/ordinal identifiers
IDS_COMPAREMODE 'cmLT', 'cmGT', 'cmLE', 'cmGE', 'cmEQ', 'cmNE', 'cmInRange', 'cmOutOfRange' constant array containing the names of the available compare operators
IsLightEd - see description
MScaleTypeNames 'Unknown', 'Nominal', 'Ordinal', 'Interval', 'Ratio' constant array containing the names of the available measurement scales
Release - see description
SDLVersionInfo - see description

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06