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Unit: SDL_matrix
Class: TMat4D
Declaration: function MultiplyLayersByArray (FactorArray: TDouble2DArray; LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowLayer, HighLayer, LowTimeSlot, HighTimeSlot: integer): integer;

The method MultiplyLayersByArray multiplies each cell of a pixel vector of the four-dimensional data array elementwise by the corresponding cell of the two-dimensional array FactorArray. The range of the processed pixels can be controlled by the parameters LowCol, HighCol, LowRow, HighRow, LowTimeSlot, and HighTimeSlot. The range of processed cells of a pixel is specified by the parameters LowLayer and HighLayer.

Setting both the low and the high parameters of a particular dimension (for example, LowRow and HighRow) to a zero value selects the entire column, row, layer, or time slot, respectively.

Please note that the FactorArray has to have the same size the as base plane of the 4D matrix (given by the number of columns and rows) even if only part of the pixels are to be processed.

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... everything is OK
-1 ... FactorArray does not match the size of TMat4D
-2 ... invalid range of columns
-3 ... invalid range of rows
-4 ... invalid range of layers
-5 ... invalid range of time slots

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06