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Methods, Properties and Declarations of Math1

Type Declarations

Bin BitReversal CancelFraction
ConvertDegrees ConvertEndian Decimal
DecodeBit DecodeLong DegreeToStr
EEngStr EncodeLong FPNumToHex
GrayCode Hex HexToDouble
HexToExtended HexToSingle MakeEFormat
Octal Roman ScanBin
ScanDateTime ScanDecimal ScanDegrees
ScanFPNum ScanHex ScanOctal
strf StrToIntDefault

Miscellaneous Stuff
AbortMathProc AngleToXAxis CalcScalePars
CanonicalAngleDegrees CanonicalAngleRadians CcwTriangle
CountBits DistanceToSegment DistFromEllipse
DistFromRect EuclideanDistance FindPrimeFactors
HistoBinRef InterpolTable InterpolXYTable
InterpolZofXYRect ListOfPrimes modr
QuickSelect SegmentsIntersect

ExChange InsertIntoArray SortArray
SortIntoArray SortSwap

Random Generators
BRandom CRandom GRandom

Higher Mathematical Functions
CenteredPolynomial cosh cot
Factorial ld lg
Polynomial ProductConsecInts sinh
Squash tg tgh

Comparison & Limiting
CheckPowerOfTwo ConfinePointToRect ConfineValue
IntNeg IntPos IsPrime
IsValidBin IsValidDecInt IsValidDouble
IsValidFPNum IsValidHex IsValidOct
Max Min Round125
RoundDegrees RoundLimit RoundNeg125
RoundPos125 Sign WithinBounds


Class TKahanSum


Properties, Methods, and Events

Add Reset Sum

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06