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Interface of SDL_Math1

  SDLVersionInfo = 'math1_r1200_full';
  IsLightEd = false;
  SDLVersionInfo = 'math1_r1200_lighted';
  IsLightEd = true;
  Release = 1200;

  ESDLMath1Error = class(ESDLError);       { exception type to indicate errors }

  TKahanSum = class (TComponent)
      cps    : double;  // compensation variable
      Sum    : double;
      constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
      destructor Destroy; override;
      procedure Reset;
      procedure Add (ANumber: double);

  function  AngleToXAxis
                 (x,y : double)                    { coordinates of data point }
                      : double;  { angle between data point, origin and x-axis }
  function  Bin
               (innum : longint;          { number to convert to binary string }
               places : byte)                               { number of places }
                      : string;                                { binary number }
  function  BitReversal
              (InByte : byte)                                     { input byte }
                      : byte;                              { bit-reversed byte }
  function  BRandom
                   (p : double)                                  { probability }
                      : boolean;                     { TRUE with probability p }
  procedure CalcScalePars
               (Ntick : integer;                    { number of ticks on scale }
               LowVal,                                  { beginning of scaling }
              HighVal : extended;                       { end point of scaling }
          var LowTick,                                   { first tick on scale }
             Distance : extended;                    { distance of scale ticks }
             var Divi : word);       { nr. of divisions between scaling labels }
  procedure CancelFraction
           (var numer,                                 { numerator of fraction }
                denom : integer);                    { denominator of fraction }
  function CanonicalAngleRadians
                 (phi : double)                             { angle in radians }
                      : double;      { canonical angle in the range -Pi to +Pi }
  function CanonicalAngleDegrees
                 (phi : double)                             { angle in degrees }
                      : double;    { canonical angle in the range -180 to +180 }
  function CcwTriangle
          (p1, p2, p3 : TPointDouble)              { the corners of a triangle }
                      : integer;           { test for counter-clockwise points }
  function CenteredPolynomial
               (Coeff : array of double;      { coefficients of the polynomial }
                 NOrd : integer;                     { order of the polynomial }
               XShift : double;              { x position of polynomial center }
                    X : double)                                     { argument }
                      : double;                 { value of the polynomial at X }
  function CheckPowerOfTwo
                (AInt : longword)                            { number to check }
                      : boolean;                { TRUE if AInt is a power of 2 }
  function ConfinePointToRect
          (var Point : TPointDouble;                     { point to be checked }
           BoundRect : TRectDouble)                      { confining rectangle }
                     : boolean;             { TRUE if point has been corrected }
  function ConfineValue
               (Inval : double;                   { value to check and confine }
            Boundary1 : double;                       { boundary 1 of interval }
            Boundary2 : double)                       { boundary 2 of interval }
                      : double; overload                      { confined value }
  function ConfineValue
               (Inval : single;                   { value to check and confine }
            Boundary1 : single;                       { boundary 1 of interval }
            Boundary2 : single)                       { boundary 2 of interval }
                      : single; overload                      { confined value }
  function ConfineValue
               (Inval : integer;                  { value to check and confine }
            Boundary1 : integer;                      { boundary 1 of interval }
            Boundary2 : integer)                      { boundary 2 of interval }
                      : integer; overload                     { confined value }
  procedure ConvertDegrees
   (var deg, min, sec : double;     { degrees, minutes, and seconds to convert }
             InFormat,                                          { input format }
            OutFormat : TDegreeFormat);                        { output format }
  function  ConvertEndian
               (value : double)                      { big/little endian input }
                      : double; overload;           { little/big endian output }
  function  ConvertEndian
               (value : single)                      { big/little endian input }
                      : single; overload;           { little/big endian output }
  function  ConvertEndian
               (value : integer)                     { big/little endian input }
                      : integer; overload;          { little/big endian output }
  function  ConvertEndian
               (value : word)                        { big/little endian input }
                      : word; overload;             { little/big endian output }
  function  cosh
                   (x : double)                             { angle in radians }
                      : double;                            { hyperbolic cosine }
  function  cot
                   (x : double)                             { angle in radians }
                      : double;                                    { cotangens }
  function  CountBits
              (InByte : byte)                          { byte to count bits in }
                      : integer;                              { number of bits }
  function  CRandom
            (loc, wid : double)    { location and width of Cauchy distribution }
                      : double;            { Cauchy-distributed random variable}
  function  Decimal
               (innum : longint;         { number to convert to decimal string }
               places : byte)                               { number of places }
                      : string;               { decimal string with leading 0s }
  function  DecodeBit
                 (ix : integer)                         { number of bit (0..7) }
                     : byte;                        { byte holding decoded bit }
  function  DecodeLong
                 (ix : integer)                        { number of bit (0..31) }
                     : longint;                  { longint holding decoded bit }
  function  DegreeToStr
               (innum : double;                        { value to be converted }
               format : TDegreeFormat;                      { format of output }
            precision : integer)                    { number of decimal places }
                      : string;                         { deg/min/sec notation }
  function  DistanceToSegment
          (TestPoint,                          { coordinates of the test point }
         SegP1, SegP2 : TPointDouble)               { endpoints of the segment }
                      : double;                      { distance to the segment }
  function  DistFromEllipse
              (RefPos : TPointDouble;         { coordinates of reference point }
         CentX, CentY,                  { coordinates of center of the ellipse }
          HorizAxLeng,                    { half-length of the horizontal axis }
           VertAxLeng : double;             { half-length of the vertical axis }
           var CloseP : TPointDouble)       { coordinates of the closest point }
                      : double;                    { distance from the ellipse }
  function  DistFromRect
              (RefPos : TPoint;               { coordinates of reference point }
            Rectangle : TRect)                      { coordinates of rectangle }
                      : integer;        { distance from nearest rectangle side }
  function  EEngStr
               (innum : double;                        { value to be converted }
            precision : integer)                { number of significant digits }
                      : string;              { electrical engineering notation }
  function  EncodeLong
               (value : longint)                 { longint holding decoded bit }
                      : integer;                       { number of bit (0..31) }
  function  EuclideanDistance
         (x1,y1,x2,y2 : double)                { coordinates of the two points }
                      : double; overload;                 { Euclidean distance }
  function  EuclideanDistance
              (P1, P2 : TPointDouble)                             { two points }
                      : double; overload;  { Euclidean distance between points }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y;                            { pair of variables, untyped }
                 size : word); overload;                  { length of variable }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : integer); overload;            { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : byte); overload;               { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : single); overload;             { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : double); overload;             { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : extended); overload;           { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : string); overload;             { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : char); overload;               { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : boolean); overload;            { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : AnsiChar); overload;           { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : ShortInt); overload;           { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : Word); overload;               { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : Cardinal); overload;           { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : Int64); overload;              { variables to exchange }
  procedure ExChange
             (var x,y : UInt64); overload;             { variables to exchange }
  function  Factorial
            (argument : integer)                           { function argument }
                      : extended;                      { factorial of argument }
  function  FindPrimeFactors
              (number : integer)                       { number to be analyzed }
                      : TIntArray;                     { list of prime factors }
  function  GRandom
                      : double;                               { Gaussian noise }
  function  GrayCode
               (InNum : word)                              { number to convert }
                      : word;                           { Gray code of 'InNum' }
  function  Hex
               (innum : longint;             { number to convert to hex string }
               places : byte)                               { number of places }
                      : string;                         { hexadecimal notation }
  function  FPNumToHex
               (innum : double)              { number to convert to hex string }
                      : string; overload;               { hexadecimal notation }
  function  FPNumToHex
               (innum : extended)            { number to convert to hex string }
                      : string; overload;               { hexadecimal notation }
  function  FPNumToHex
               (innum : single)              { number to convert to hex string }
                      : string; overload;               { hexadecimal notation }
  function  HexToDouble
               (instr : string)                       { hex string of 16 chars }
                      : double;
  function  HexToSingle
               (instr : string)                        { hex string of 8 chars }
                      : single;
  function  HexToExtended
               (instr : string)                       { hex string of 20 chars }
                      : extended;
  function HistoBinRef
              (XValue,                                               { x value }
             FirstBin,                          { reference value of first bin }
             BinWidth : double;                                    { bin width }
            var resid : double)                                     { residual }
                      : double;  { corresponding histogram bin reference value }
  procedure InsertIntoArray
            (ArrayAdr : pointer;                            { pointer to array }
            LengArray : longint;                             { length of array }
             TypArray : TVarKind;                              { type of field }
                value : pointer;                     { value to put into array }
                index : longint); overload;                            { index }
  function  InterpolTable
                 (Arg : double;                                     { argument }
              RangeLo,                         { argument of first pivot point }
              RangeHi : double;                 { argument of last pivot point }
         const Pivots : TDoubleArray)       { array of regularly spaced pivots }
                      : double; overload; { interpolated value at the argument }
  function  InterpolTable
                 (Arg : double;                                     { argument }
              RangeLo,                         { argument of first pivot point }
              RangeHi : double;                 { argument of last pivot point }
         const Pivots : TIntArray)          { array of regularly spaced pivots }
                      : double; overload; { interpolated value at the argument }
  function  InterpolXYTable
                 (arg : double;                                     { argument }
       const XYPivots : TDouble2DArray)   { array of irregularly spaced pivots }
                      : double;           { interpolated value at the argument }
  function  InterpolZofXYRect
              z10,z11 : double;                     { heights at corner points }
                frac2 : double): double;                  { fraction along x,y }
  function  IntPos
               (InNum : double)                            { number to process }
                      : longint;         { next integer greater/equal to InNum }
  function  IntNeg
               (InNum : double)                            { number to process }
                      : longint;         { next integer smaller/equal to InNum }
  function  IsPrime
              (number : integer)                    { number to test for prime }
                      : boolean;             { returns TRUE if number is prime }
  function  IsValidBin
            (Instring : string)                  { string to test for validity }
                      : boolean;       { TRUE if string is valid binary number }
  function  IsValidDecInt
            (Instring : string)                  { string to test for validity }
                      : boolean;      { TRUE if string is valid decimal number }
  function  IsValidDouble
            (InString : string;                  { string to test for validity }
             AllowExp : boolean;            { TRUE: allow exponential notation }
         DecSeparator : TDecPSep)                          { decimal separator }
                      : boolean; { returns TRUE if string is valid f.p. number }
  function  IsValidFPNum
            (Instring : string;                  { string to test for validity }
         DecSeparator : TDecPSep)                          { decimal separator }
                      : boolean; { TRUE if string is valid float. point number }
  function  IsValidHex
            (Instring : string)                  { string to test for validity }
                      : boolean;          { TRUE if string is valid hex number }
  function  IsValidOct
            (Instring : string)                  { string to test for validity }
                      : boolean;        { TRUE if string is valid octal number }
  function  lg
                   (x : double)                                     { argument }
                      : double;                             { common logarithm }
  function  ld
                   (x : double)                                     { argument }
                      : double;                           { logarithmus dualis }
  function  ListOfPrimes
                  (ix : integer)                   { index into list of primes }
                      : integer;                { prime number taken from list }
  function  LongRand
                (seed : longint)                    { if not equal 0 then init }
                      : double;                       { random value [0.0,1.0] }
  function  MakeEFormat
                   (x : double;                            { number to convert }
                  w,d : integer)                       { width, decimal places }
                      : string;                     { string in FORTRAN format }
  function  Octal
               (innum : longint;              { nr. to convert to octal string }
               places : byte)                               { number of places }
                      : string;                               { octal notation }
  function  Polynomial
               (Coeff : array of double;      { coefficients of the polynomial }
                 NOrd : integer;                     { order of the polynomial }
                    X : double)                                     { argument }
                      : double;                 { value of the polynomial at X }
  function  QuickSelect
            (var Data : array of double;           { data array to be analyzed }
                    k : integer;                        { k-th order statistic }
          First, Last : integer)               { range of data to be processed }
                      : double;           { value of the k-th smallest element }
  function  Roman
               (InNum : longint)                           { number to convert }
                      : string;                                 { roman number }
  function  Round125
               (InNum : double)                         { number to be rounded }
                      : double;           { nearest number in the 1-2-5 system }
  procedure RoundDegrees
             (var Deg,                                               { degrees }
                  Min,                                               { minutes }
                  Sec : integer;                                     { seconds }
              RoundUp : boolean);          { TRUE: round up, FALSE: round down }
  function  RoundLimit
               (Value : double;                          { value to be rounded }
             Min, Max : int64)                   { allowed minimum and maximum }
                      : int64;                               { rounded integer }
  function  RoundNeg125
               (InNum : double)                         { number to be rounded }
                      : double; { number in the 125 system smaller/equal InNum }
  function  RoundPos125
               (InNum : double)                         { number to be rounded }
                      : double; { number in the 125 system greater/equal InNum }
  function  ScanBin
            (Instring : string;              { string containing binary number }
              var Idx : integer)        { starting position of binary decoding }
                      : longint;                                      { result }
  function  ScanDateTime
            (InString,                       { string containing the date/time }
               Format : string;               { format of the date/time string }
             Language : TLanguage;                             { language used }
            var error : integer)                                  { error flag }
                      : TDateTime;      { result returns TDateTime of Instring }
  function  ScanDecimal
            (Instring : string;             { string containing decimal number }
              var Idx : integer)       { starting position of decimal decoding }
                      : longint;                                      { result }
  function  ScanDegrees
            (InString : string;                { string containing the degrees }
              var Idx : integer;           { starting position of deg decoding }
            ExpectGeo : boolean;      { TRUE: geographic direction is expected }
            var Error : integer)                                  { error flag }
                      : double;           { result returns degrees of Instring }
  function  ScanFPNum
            (Instring : string;            { string with floating point number }
             AllowExp : boolean;            { TRUE: allow exponential notation }
             DecPChar : integer;                        { dec. point character }
              var Idx : integer)       { starting position of decimal decoding }
                      : double;                                       { result }
  function  ScanHex
            (Instring : string;         { string containing hexadecimal number }
              var Idx : integer)           { starting position of hex decoding }
                      : longint;                                      { result }
  function  ScanOctal
            (Instring : string;               { string containing octal number }
              var Idx : integer)         { starting position of octal decoding }
                      : longint;                                      { result }
  function  SegmentsIntersect
       (Seg1P1,Seg1P2,                                { endpoints of segment 1 }
        Seg2P1,Seg2P2 : TpointDouble)                 { endpoints of segment 2 }
                      : boolean;                    { TRUE: segments intersect }
  function  Signum
                   (a : double)                               { input variable }
                      : integer;                                   { signum(a) }
  function  sinh
                   (x : double)                             { angle in radians }
                      : double;                           { sinus hyperbolicus }
  procedure SortArray
            (ArrayAdr : pointer;                            { pointer to array }
            LengArray : longint;                             { length of array }
             TypArray : TVarKind;                              { type of array }
            Ascending : boolean); overload;                 { TRUE = ascending }
  function  SortIntoArray
            (ArrayAdr : pointer;                            { pointer to array }
            LengArray : longint;                             { length of array }
             TypArray : TVarKind;                              { type of array }
                value : pointer;                          { value to sort into }
            Ascending : boolean;                            { TRUE = ascending }
           Duplicates : boolean)                   { TRUE = duplicates allowed }
                      : longint; overload;                    { index of value }

{$IFDEF LEVEL5}   // Delphi 5 has bug with overloaded variable dynamic arrays
  function SortIntoArrayInteger
          (var SArray : array of integer;
                value : integer;
            Ascending : boolean;
           Duplicates : boolean)
                      : longint;
  function SortIntoArraySingle
          (var SArray : array of single;
                value : single;
            Ascending : boolean;
           Duplicates : boolean)
                      : longint;
  function SortIntoArrayDouble
          (var SArray : array of double;
                value : double;
            Ascending : boolean;
           Duplicates : boolean)
                      : longint;
  function SortIntoArray
          (var SArray : array of integer;
                value : integer;
            Ascending : boolean;
           Duplicates : boolean)
                      : longint; overload;
  function SortIntoArray
          (var SArray : array of single;
                value : single;
            Ascending : boolean;
           Duplicates : boolean)
                      : longint; overload;
  function SortIntoArray
          (var SArray : array of double;
                value : double;
            Ascending : boolean;
           Duplicates : boolean)
                      : longint; overload;
  function SortSwap
          (var v1, v2 : double;                    { variables to be exchanged }
            Ascending : boolean)                                  { sort order }
                      : boolean;                     { TRUE if a swap occurred }

{$IFDEF LEVEL5}   // Delphi 5 has bug with overloaded variable dynamic arrays
  procedure InsertIntoArraySingle
          (var SArray : array of single;
                value : single;
                index : longint);
  procedure InsertIntoArrayDouble
          (var SArray : array of double;
                value : double;
                index : longint);
  procedure InsertIntoArrayInteger
          (var SArray : array of integer;
                value : integer;
                index : longint);
  procedure InsertIntoArray
          (var SArray : array of single;
                value : single;
                index : longint); overload;
  procedure InsertIntoArray
          (var SArray : array of double;
                value : double;
                index : longint); overload;
  procedure InsertIntoArray
          (var SArray : array of integer;
                value : integer;
                index : longint); overload;

{$IFDEF LEVEL5}   // Delphi 5 has bug with overloaded variable dynamic arrays
  procedure SortArrayDouble
          (var SArray : array of double;                  { array to be sorted }
            Ascending : boolean);                           { TRUE = ascending }
  procedure SortArraySingle
          (var SArray : array of single;                  { array to be sorted }
            Ascending : boolean);                           { TRUE = ascending }
  procedure SortArrayInteger
          (var SArray : array of integer;                 { array to be sorted }
            Ascending : boolean);                           { TRUE = ascending }
  procedure SortArray
          (var SArray : array of double;                  { array to be sorted }
            Ascending : boolean); overload;                 { TRUE = ascending }
  procedure SortArray
          (var SArray : array of single;                  { array to be sorted }
            Ascending : boolean); overload;                 { TRUE = ascending }
  procedure SortArray
          (var SArray : array of integer;                 { array to be sorted }
            Ascending : boolean); overload;                 { TRUE = ascending }

  function  strf
                   (r : double;                            { number to convert }
           FieldWidth : integer;                       { width of output field }
                 DecP : integer)                       { number of dec. places }
                      : string;                             { formatted string }
  function  StrToIntDefault
               (InStr : string;                 { input string to be converted }
                  Def : integer)           { default value if conversion fails }
                      : integer;                             { converted value }
  function  tg
                   (x : double)                             { angle in radians }
                      : double;                                      { tangens }
  function  tgh
                   (x : double)                             { angle in radians }
                      : double;                         { tangens hyperbolicus }
  function  WithinBounds
               (Inval : double;                             { value to compare }
            Boundary1 : double;                       { boundary 1 of interval }
            Boundary2 : double)                       { boundary 2 of interval }
                      : boolean; overload;       { TRUE if Inval within bounds }
  function  WithinBounds
               (Inval : double;                             { value to compare }
            Boundary1 : double;                       { boundary 1 of interval }
            Boundary2 : double;                       { boundary 2 of interval }
               Margin : double)         { margin to be added to the boundaries }
                      : boolean; overload;       { TRUE if Inval within bounds }
  function  WithinRect
               (Point : TPointDouble;                      { position to check }
            BoundRect : TRectDouble)                      { bounding rectangle }
                      : boolean;           { TRUE if point is within rectangle }

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06