The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....

Installation Hints

The installation of the SDL Suite is straightforward:

  1. Close the IDE
  2. Start the setup file of the SDL Suite.
  3. Start the IDE again

    For the installation of .NET support (Delphi 2005, BDS 6, Rad Studio 5, Rad Studio 6) you have to perform the following additional steps:
  4. Click on "Component/Installed .NET Components"
  5. Click the tab "Assembly Search Path"
  6. Click on the ellipses button below the list of search paths and selecte the SDL Suite installation path
  7. Click the "Add button"
  8. Click "OK"
  9. Close the IDE and restart it (this step is important, otherwise you'll get all kind of error messages when trying to put a component on a .NET form.


Minimum Requirements

Following are the minimum requirements for the correct installation of the SDL Component Suite. Please be aware of the fact that using older compiler releases without the updates supplied by Embarcadero may result in unpredictable behavior of the IDE/Compiler/Linker. In order to find out which compiler version you are using you have to click "Help/About" command of the IDE. We have tested the SDL Component Suite against the following compiler versions:

Compiler Required Version
Delphi 6 6.0 - Build 6.163
Delphi 7 7.0 - Build 4.453
RAD Studio 10.0 Seattle 23.0.21418.4207
RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin 24.0.22858.6822
RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo 25.0.29039.2004
RAD Studio 10.3 Rio 26.0.32429.4364
RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney 27.0.37889.9797
RAD Studio 11.0 Alexandria 28.0.42600.6491
RAD Studio 12.0 Athens 29.0.50491.5718


Last Update: 2023-Dec-08