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Using TRot3D

The usage of Rot3D is straightforward: First you have to load the data into the internal buffer(s) of Rot3D. Thereafter you can look at the data at any angle and magnification factor by properly setting several properties, or by manipulating the view angle and the zoom factor by the mouse.

The buffers are arranged by two levels: the primary buffer accepts all data to be displayed (lines, and marks) in its native format (property DataContainer). Data may be entered by the methods MoveTo, Drawto, Line, and MarkAt. The method Clear clears the primary buffer. Loading the primary buffer does not affect the display. In order to become visible, the loaded data have to be transferred into the secondary buffer by the method MakeVisible. MakeVisible scales the original data in the primary buffer and converts it into integer format (for performance reasons). The mode of scaling is determined by the property IsoMetric. In addition. you may adjust the origin of the data if the property AutoOrigin is set to false. In this case the properties OriginX, OriginY, and OriginZ specify the origin of the data (= the point which the data are rotated around).


Any operation concerning rotation, zooming, and panning is applied to the data in the secondary buffer. The following methods and properties are available for these purposes: CentX, CentY, ViewAngleX, ViewAngleY, ViewAngleZ, SetViewAngles, and Magnification.

Any of the rotation, zoom, and pan actions can be performed also by mouse interaction. The user has therefore to press and hold the left mouse button. Moving the mouse then effects either the rotation, the panning, or the zooming. Which action is performed depends on the value of the property MouseAction.

In order not to lose orientation Rot3D provides a means to display axes and an optional bounding box. The axes may be switched on and off by the property ShowAxes. The length of the axes can be controlled by the property AxSize. In addition to the axes, a boundary box may be displayed by setting the property BoundBoxStyle. The boundary box may be displayed either as a wire frame, or as a transparent cube. The colors of the cube faces can be controlled by the properties ColorCubeFaceLow, and ColorCubeFaceHigh and is adjusted according to the orientation of the cube. The colors of the wire frame and the axes can be set by the properties ColorCubeFrame, and ColorCubeHidLin. The background color may be controlled by the property ColorChart.

Last Update: 2023-May-03