The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....


Declaration:constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);

The call to the constructor Create instantiates an object of the class TRot3D and allocates the required memory. The component is initialized to the following defaults:
Width := 450; 
Height := 300; 
CentX := 225; 
CentY := 150; 
ColorData := clBlack; 
ColorFrame := clBlack; 
ColorChart := clWhite; 
DataTag := 0; 
ViewAngleX := 60; 
ViewAngleY := 45; 
ViewAngleZ := 15; 
MouseAction := maRotate; 
Magnification := 0.667; 
BoundBoxStyle := bbFaces; 
BoundBoxSize := 400; 
AxSize := 900; 
ShowAxes := true; 
FrameStyle := fsLowered; 
ColorScheme := csSystem; 
ColorCubeFrame := $404040; 
ColorCubeHidLin:= $b0b0b0; 
ColorCubeFaceHi:= $EEEEEE; 
ColorCubeFaceLo:= $C0C0C0; 
TextMarkSize := 8; 
Origin[1] := 0; 
Origin[2] := 0; 
Origin[3] := 0; 
AxName[1] := 'X'; 
AxName[2] := 'Y'; 
AxName[3] := 'Z'; 

Last Update: 2023-Dec-14