Simple Replacement Mode

The Simple Replacement Mode can be used to perform simpe text replacements in filenames. The substring to be replaced has to be plain text, wildcards are not allowed. However you may the use hexadecimal character specifications (e.g. \#20 for blanks).

Note that only the first occurence of the substring will be replaced. You may restrict the search for the substring to be replaced to the filename or to the file extension.

The replacement string can either be another text, the current date & time, or a serial number. Please note that the preview window will be updated only when you press return after entering any text parameter.

Text: You can specify any text which is to be inserted into the filename. Please be sure to format the date and time in a way that the resulting filename is compatible to the filename syntax. SDLRename will automatically replace any invalid characters (such as colons, or slashes) by underscores.
System Date/Time: Replaces a substring by the current system date and/or time. The format is controlled by various special template characters. Any character being not a format specifier will be inserted as is. Please be sure to format the date and time in a way that the resulting filename is compatible to the filename syntax. SDLRename will automatically replace any invalid characters (such as colons, or slashes) by underscores.
File Date/Time: Replaces a substring by the date and/or time of the last modification of the file. The format is controlled by various special template characters. Any character being not a format specifier will be inserted as is. Please be sure to format the date and time in a way that the resulting filename is compatible to the filename syntax. SDLRename will automatically replace any invalid characters (such as colons, or slashes) by underscores.
Serial Number: In order to insert a serial number you have to specify the starting number and the number of digits used for the serial number. The serial number is inserted with leading zeros.

Hint: The simple replacement mode is intended for quick and simple replacements in filenames. If you encounter a more complex problem which cannot be solved using the simple replacement mode you should switch to the advanced mode which is based on regular expressions.

Last Update: 2006-Nov-01