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Class: none
Declaration: TScaleType = (sctXB, sctXT, sctYL, sctYR);

The TScaleType type declares the orientation of the axis (used in the events OnScaleTickDrawn and OnBeforeTickLabel):

sctXB .... top x-axis (the line is at the bottom of the scale, the tick marks above)
sctXT .... bottom x-axis (the line is at the top of the scale, the tick marks below)
sctYL .... right y-axis (the line is at the left of the scale, the tick marks at the right)
sctYR .... left y-axis (the line is at the right of the scale, the tick marks at the left)

Hint: Please note that the TScaleType declaration specifies the orientation of the scale and not its position. Thus sctXB means a scale which has its line at the bottom and the tick marks above. This may lead to confusion in connex with RChart (see the property ScaleLocation for the horizontal and vertical axes). Since RChart displays the scale ticks always outside the chart area, the bottom x-axis, for example, is oriented upwards (i.e. its ScaleType is sctXT)

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06