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Unit: SDL_math2
Class: none
Declaration: TKnnWMode = (kwmGauss, kwmAverage, kwmMedian, kwmLinear, kwmBiQuad);

The type declaration TKnnWMode defines the available weighting modes used in the procedure EstimateByKNN.

The weighting modes cossrespond to the following interpolation schemes:

Weighting Mode Interpolation Scheme
kwmGauss The estimated values are calculated by the weighted sum of the k nearest neighbors. The weights depend non-linearly (Gaussian kernel) on the distance between the value to be estimated and the k nearest neighbors.
kwmAverage The estimated value is equal to the average of the values of the k nearest neighbors.
kwmMedian The estimated value equals the median of the values of the k nearest neighbors.
kwmLinear The estimated values are calculated by the weighted sum of the k nearest neighbors. The weights depend linearly on the distance between the value to be estimated and the k nearest neighbors.
kwmBiQuad The estimated value is obtained by a multiple linear regression which is based on the k nearest neighbors, the quadratic terms and the cross-terms of all involved variables.

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06