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Class: none
Declaration: [1] function SumOfSquaredDiffs (Arr1, Arr2: TDoubleArray): double;
[2] function SumOfSquaredDiffs (Arr1: TDoubleArray; Arr2: TDouble2DArray; Column: integer): double;

Version [1]: The function SumOfSquaredDiffs calculates the sum of squared differences of the vectors Arr1 and Arr2.

Version [2]: The function SumOfSquaredDiffs calculates the sum of squared differences of the vector Arr1 and the column Column of the two dimensional array Arr2.

The function returns the following error codes:

>=0 ... sum is valid
-1 ... Arr1 or Arr2 has size zero
-2 ... Arr1 and Arr2 are not equal in size
-3 ... Column is invalid

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06