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Declaration:property StandardLayout: TRCLayout;

The property StandardLayout allows you to select one of several predefined standard layouts of the scales and layers. The standard layouts are meant to provide a good starting point for adjusting the actual layout to ones own requirements. Currently the following options are available:

rcl_X1Bottom_Y1Left display layer 1 scales, abscissa at the bottom, ordinate at the left
rcl_X1Bottom_Y2Left one x-axis (layer 1) at the bottom, two y-axes (layers 1 & 2) at the left
rcl_X1Bottom_Y3Left one x-axis (layer 1) at the bottom, three y-axes (layers 1, 3 & 3) at the left (not available in the Light Edition of the SDL Suite)
rcl_X1Bottom_Y4Left one x-axis (layer 1) at the bottom, four y-axes (layers 1 to 4) at the left (not available in the Light Edition of the SDL Suite)
rcl_X1Bottom_Y2Both one x-axis (layer 1) at the bottom, one y-axis (layer 1) at the left, one y-axis (layer 2) at the right
rcl_X2Bottom_Y2Left two x-axes (layer 1 & 2) at the bottom, two y-axis (layer 1 & 2) at the left
rcl_X2Both_Y2Both one x-axis (layer 1) at the bottom, one x-axis (layer 2) at the top, one y-axis (layer 1) at the left, one y-axis (layer 2) at the right

Hint: Please note that the property StandardLayout is a "trigger-only" property which triggers the set-up of the selected layout but does not necessarily reflect the current layout (i.e. the layout may be changed after selecting a particular standard layout, and the property StandardLayout still returns the select layout upon reading it).

Example: This property is used in the following example program (see for downloading the code): duallayer

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13