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Class: TDataTable
Declaration: procedure Resize (NrCols, NrRows: longint);

The method Resize serves to change the dimensions of the matrix on the fly. The parameters NrCols and NrRows define the intended size of the matrix (number of columns and number of rows). Any excess matrix elements which are not covered by the original matrix are set to zero values. The Resize operation triggers the OnResize event when finished.

Hint 1: The method Resize is much more efficient than assigning the new table dimensions to the properties NrOfColumns and NrOfRows. It is therefore strongly recommended to use Resize whenever both dimensions of the table have to be changed.

Hint 2: In the Light Edition the number of cells is restricted to 2000 (NrOfColumns times NrOfRows).

Example: This method is used in the following example program (see for downloading the code): dendro

Last Update: 2023-Dec-14