The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....

Ordering the SDL Component Suite

The SDL Component Suite is available for Delphi 6 to 7, Delphi/C++Builder XE4 to XE8, Delphi/C++Builder X Seattle, Delphi/C++Builder 10.1 Berlin, Delphi/C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo, Delphi/C++Builder 10.3 Rio and Delphi/C++Builder 10.4 Sydney. You may select from one of the following four versions (see also the comparison of features):

SDL Component Suite / Light Edition
restricted version for private non-commercial usage (details).
- (free)
SDL Component Suite / Standard Edition
contains all available components without sources and free updates within a 60-day period.
Euro 128.00 excl. VAT(2)
(please specify compiler when ordering)
SDL Component Suite / Standard Plus Edition
contains all available components without sources but including unlimited updates and a subscription to all future components.
Euro 168.00 excl. VAT(2)
(please specify compiler when ordering)
SDL Component Suite / Professional Edition
contains all available components for all supported Delphi and C++Builder versions including the native Delphi sources, unlimited updates, a subscription to all future components, and free access to our email hotline.
Euro 699.00 excl. VAT(2)

All updates can be obtained from our update server. Registered customers receive a user-id and a password to obtain updates from our server whenever they need one. The registered version is, of course, fully functional and does no longer need the Delphi, or the C++Builder IDE. The user may then create stand-alone programs which can be deployed without paying any further license fees.

Parts of the SDL component Suite are available separately (all prices excl. VAT):(2)

Package Standard Edition
no updates, no sources
Standard Plus Edition
incl. updates, no sources
Professional Edition
incl. updates, and sources
BasePack n/a(1) n/a(1) n/a(1)
(prices include BasePack)
Euro 68 Euro 98 Euro 248
(prices include BasePack and MathPack)
Euro 78 Euro 108 Euro 348
(prices include BasePack and MathPack)
Euro 88 Euro 118 Euro 398
(prices include BasePack and MathPack)
Euro 78 Euro 108 Euro 348
(prices include BasePack and MathPack)
Euro 88 Euro 118 Euro 398

Click here for further details on how and where to order.

(1) BasePack is no longer sold as an individual package. Please order any of the other packages instead of BasePack (all the other packages include a free copy of BasePack).
(2) Prices are as of Dec-11, 2023. They are subject to change, please see the online shop for current prices.

Last Update: 2023-Dec-08