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Declaration: [1] function ParseCalibData (FName: string; DataID: string; var CalibData: TCalibData; var CalibModel: TCalibModel): boolean;
[2] function ParseCalibData (InStream: TMemoryStream; DataID: string; var CalibData: TCalibData; var CalibModel: TCalibModel): boolean;

The function ParseCalibData is similar to the method LoadCalDataFromXML, but does not affect the current map. It reads the calibration data from the XML file FName (version 1), or from the stream InStream (version 2) into the variable parameter CalibData. The calibration model is returned in the variable parameter CalibModel.

If the parameter DataID is empty, the first <geomap> tag is evaluated and read into the TGeoMap instance. If DataID is not empty, the entire rest of the file is read until a <geomap> tag is found whose attribute "id " matches DataID (the recognition of the "id" attribute is not case-sensitive). The function ParseCalibData returns TRUE if both a valid starting tag <geomap> and a valid end tag </geomap> has been found and the map data has been updated.

Hint 1: Please see WriteCalDataToOpenXMLFile for a description of the valid tags.

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06