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Declaration: OnRubberBand: TSelectRectEvent;
{TSelectRectEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Layer: integer; LoX, LoY, HiX, HiY: double) of object;}

With release 10.3, the old OnRubberBand event has been renamed to OnSelectRect and replaced by a new declaration (which is formally equal to the old one).

The new OnRubberBand event is triggered when the property MouseAction is set to maRubberBand and the left mouse button is released. The parameters LoX, LoY, HiX, and HiY specify the coordinates of the start and the end point of the rubber band. The parameter Layer specifies the layer to which the coordinates belong.

Hint: The OnRubberBand event is triggered separately for each active layer. Thus releasing the mouse button when MouseAction is set to maRubberBand may generate several OnRubberBand events, depending on the array property MouseAffectsLayer.

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13