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Class: none
Declaration: [1] function MultiplyArraysElemw (Arr1, Arr2: TIntArray; var Product: TIntArray): integer;
[2] function MultiplyArraysElemw (Arr1, Arr2: TInt2DArray; var Product: TInt2DArray): integer;
[3] function MultiplyArraysElemw (Arr1, Arr2: TDoubleArray; var Product: TDoubleArray): integer;
[4] function MultiplyArraysElemw (Arr1, Arr2: TDouble2DArray; var Product: TDouble2DArray): integer;

The function MultiplyArraysElemw multiplies the two arrays Arr1 and Arr2 and returns the result in the variable array Product. The function performs element-wise multiplication. The size of the array Product is automatically adjusted.

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... everything is OK
-1 ... Arr1 or Arr2 has zero size
-2 ... Arr1 and Arr2 do not have the same dimensions

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06