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Methods, Properties and Declarations of Meter

Type Declarations
TBeforeDrawNeedleEvent TLabelStr TMeterLayout
TMeterRenderedEvent TMouseMoveInMeterEvent TmtBeforeDrawScaleLabelEvent

Align AnchorCovered AnchorImage
AnchorSize BackGroundImg BkgndFillMode
Caption ColorBakG ColorCover
ColorScale ColorScheme ColorSclBkHigh
ColorSclBkLow ColorSclBkNorm DragCursor
DragKind DragMode Font
FontCaption FrameStyle Height
Hint Left LimWatchActColor
LimWatchHighOn LimWatchLowOn LimWatchPsvColor
Logarithmic MeterDecPlaces MeterLayout
MeterMaxValue MeterMinValue MeterNrTicks
MeterScaleLine MeterShortTicks NeedleLayout
NeedleLayoutSec OriginX OriginY
ParentFont ParentShowHint RimBottom
RimSide RimTop ScaleBkVisible
ScaleBkWidth ScaleRadius ScaleVisible
ShowHint ThresholdHigh ThresholdLow
Top Value ValueSec
Visible Width

CalcNeedleAngle ConvertPixelToValue ConvertToPixelCoords
Create Destroy Free

Events OnBeforeDrawNeedle OnBeforeDrawScaleLabel
OnMeterRendered OnMouseMoveInMeter

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06