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Methods, Properties and Declarations of Dendrogram

Type Declarations
ESDLDendrogramError TDendroShowObjLblEvent TMarkedObjType

Align Anchors ClusterMethod
ClassColors ClustDist ClustResult
ColorDendrogram ColorDendrogramBackGnd ColorEmptyArea
ColorLabelsBG ColorScale ColorScaleBackGnd
ColorScheme CrossHair Data
DecPlaces DistHigh DistLow
DistMeasure Enabled FlexAlpha
Font ForceStaggeredLabels FrameStyle
Hint IsProcessing Margin
MarginIsMoveable MarkedObject MarkedObjType
MouseAction MousePosDist MousePosObj
ObjHigh ObjLow Orientation
ParentFont ParentShowHint PopupMenu
ScaleHeight ScaleWidth ShowHint
StyleElements SuppressClustAnal SuppressPaint
Visible ZoomState

AutoRange CalcClasses CopyToBitMap
CopyToBMP CopyToClipBoard Create
Destroy FindClusterAtPos FindObject
Free RetrieveClusterClasses SetClassSubTree
SetRange StoreProtocol

Events OnBeforeShowObjLabel OnCalcDistance
OnCrossHairMove OnDendroBegin OnDendroDone
OnProgress OnZoomPan

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06