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Properties, Methods and Events of BoxPlot

Type Declarations
TBoxPlotGridStyle TBoxPlotLabel TBoxPlotOrientation

Align Anchors BoxWidth
Caption CaptionAlignment CaptionAnchorHoriz
CaptionAnchorVert CaptionPosX CaptionPosY
ChartColor ChartFrameColor Color90Perc
ColorBody ColorLines ColorMean
ColorMedian ColorMinMax Constraints
CrossHair1 Cursor Data
DragCursor DragKind DragMode
Font GridColor GridStyle
Labels MarginBottom MarginLeft
MarginRight MarginTop MouseAction
MouseCursorFixed MousePosX MousePosY
Orientation PopupMenu Scale1X
Scale1Y ShadowBakColor ShadowColor
ShadowStyle ShadowWidth Show90Perc
ShowHint ShowMean ShowMedian
ShowMinMax StyleElements SuppressPaint
SymbolMax SymbolMean SymbolMedian
SymbolMin SymbolPerc90 Visible

AssignAnotherDataTable AutoRange ConfineZoomRange
CopyToBitmap CopyToBMP CopyToClipboard
CopyToClipboardWMF CopyToOpenPrinter CopyToWMF
Create Destroy Free
PrintIt SaveDataASC SetBounds
SetRange Update

Events OnBeforeBoxDraw OnBeforeRenderData
OnCrossHairMove OnDataRendered OnMouseMoveInChart
OnScalesRendered OnTextLabelMove OnZoomPan

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06