The SDL Component Suite is an industry leading collection of components supporting scientific and engineering computing. Please visit the SDL Web site for more information....

Interface of SDL_URLLab

  SDLVersionInfo = 'urllab_r1200_full';
  IsLightEd = false;
  SDLVersionInfo = 'urllab_r1200_lighted';
  IsLightEd = true;
  Release = 1200;

  ESDLURLLabError = class(ESDLError);      { exception type to indicate errors }
  TUrlLab = class(TCustomLabel)
              FURL        : string; // URL to be linked to when clicked on
              FTaskParam  : string; // parameters passed to executable
              FFontActive : TFont;
              FBakFont    : TFont;
              procedure SetFontActive (Value: TFont);
              procedure SetURL (Value: string);
              procedure SetTaskParam (Value: string);
              procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER;
              procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;
              procedure Loaded; override;
              procedure Click; override;
              constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
              destructor Destroy; override;
              procedure PerformClick;
              property Align;
              property Alignment;
              property Anchors;
              property Constraints;
              property AutoSize;
              property Caption;
              property Color;
              property Enabled;
              property Font;
              property FontActive: TFont read FFontActive write SetFontActive;
              property ParentColor;
              property ParentFont;
              property ParentShowHint;
              property PopupMenu;
              property ShowHint;
(**)              property StyleElements;
              property Transparent;
              property URL: string read FURL write SetURL;
              property TaskParams: string read FTaskParam write SetTaskParam;
              property Layout;
              property Visible;
              property WordWrap;
              property OnClick;
              property OnDblClick;
              property OnMouseDown;
              property OnMouseMove;
              property OnMouseUp;
{$IFDEF GE_LEV5}               // CBuilder/Delphi 3/4 do not know about
              property OnContextPopup;
              property OnMouseEnter;
              property OnMouseLeave;

  TFMXUrlLab = class(TTextControl)
              FURL        : string; // URL to be linked to when clicked on
              FTaskParam  : string; // parameters passed to executable
              FFontActive : TFont;
              FBakFont    : TFont;
//              FText       : string;
//              procedure SetFontActive (Value: TFont);
              procedure SetURL (Value: string);
              procedure SetTaskParam (Value: string);
              procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER;
              procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;
//              procedure Loaded; override;
//              procedure Click; override;
              procedure Paint; override;
              procedure ApplyStyle; override;
//               procedure SetText(const Value: string); override;
              constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
              destructor Destroy; override;
//              procedure PerformClick;
              property Align;
//              property Alignment;
              property Anchors;
//               property Constraints;
//              property AutoSize;
              property Text;
//              property Color;
              property Enabled;
              property Font;
//              property FontActive: TFont read FFontActive write SetFontActive;
              property ParentColor;
              property ParentFont;
              property ParentShowHint;
              property PopupMenu;
              property ShowHint;
              property Transparent;
              property StyleLookup;
              property URL: string read FURL write SetURL;
              property TaskParams: string read FTaskParam write SetTaskParam;
              property Layout;
              property Visible;
              property WordWrap;
              property OnClick;
              property OnDblClick;
              property OnMouseDown;
              property OnMouseMove;
              property OnMouseUp;
              property OnContextPopup;
              property OnMouseEnter;
              property OnMouseLeave;


Last Update: 2023-Feb-06