SDLVersionInfo = 'sdlbase_r1200_full';
IsLightEd = false;
SDLVersionInfo = 'sdlbase_r1200_lighted';
IsLightEd = true;
Release = 1200;
TShapeKind = (skRectangle, skEllipse, skCircle, skRing);
TBkgFill = (bfSimple, bfStretch, bfTile);
TBoundingBox = (bbNone, bbFrame, bbFaces);
TColorScheme = (csBWG, csSystem);
TDecPSep = (dsSystem, dsDot, dsComma, dsBoth);
TFigType = (ftNoFigs, ftNum, ftTime, ftDateTime, ftUserText);
TScaleType = (sctXB, sctXT, sctYL, sctYR);
TVerticalAlignment = (vaTop, vaCenter, vaBottom);
TYearLength = (ylNone, ylYY, ylYYYY);
TDateOrder = (doMMDDYY, doDDMMYY, doYYMMDD);
TDateForTime = (dtNone, dtOnePerChart, dtOnePerDay, dtAllTicks);
TShadowStyle = (ssFlying, ssBox);
TFrameStyle = (fsNone, fsSimple, fsLowered, fsRaised, fsEmbossed, fsEngraved);
TDistMode = (dmJaccard, dmManhattan, dmEuclid, dmEuclidSqr, dmDice, dmUserDef);
TTimeFormat = (tfHHMMSS,tfHHhMM,tfAMPM);
TDirection = (dirUpward, dirDownward, dirLeftward, dirRightward);
TOrientation = (orVert, orHoriz);
TApplyColRow = (apColumns, apRows);
TEdgeOp = (eopMin, eopMax, eopSum, eopMean, eopStdDev);
TAxis = (atXAxis, atYAxis, atZAxis);
TDims = (dimX, dimY, dimL, dimT);
TTriState = (tsFalse, tsTrue, tsUndefined);
TCrossHMode = (chOff, chHoriz, chVert, chBoth, chCrossBox, chBox);
TTxtLblAttachMode = (tlamNone, tlamXOnly, tlamYOnly, tlamBoth);
TTxtLblMode = (tlOff, tlsimple, tlBox, tlUnderline, tlShadow);
TDegreeFormat = (dfDeg, dfDegMin, dfDegMinSec, dfNumeric);
TCSVDelimiters = (csvUnknown, csvBlank, csvSemicolon, csvComma, csvColon, csvTab);
TZoomPanMode = (zpmPan, zpmColZoomLeft, zpmColZoomRight);
TColoredPoint = record
X : double;
Y : double;
Flag : word;
Color: TColor;
TPointDouble = record
X : double;
Y : double;
TCellPosition4D = record
X : integer;
Y : integer;
L : integer;
T : integer;
TPDblArray = array of TPointDouble;
TPIntArray = array of TPoint;
TSingleArray = array of single;
TDoubleArray = array of double;
TDouble2DArray = array of array of double;
TDouble3DArray = array of array of array of double;
TDouble4DArray = array of array of array of array of double;
TIntArray = array of integer;
TInt2DArray = array of array of integer;
TInt3DArray = array of array of array of integer;
TInt4DArray = array of array of array of array of integer;
TBoolArray = array of boolean;
TBool2DArray = array of array of boolean;
TStrArray = array of string;
TStr2DArray = array of array of string;
TVariantArray = array of variant;
TSortExchgEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; ExchgWhat: byte;
index1, index2, first, last: longint) of object;
{ event when exchange of rows/columns occurs }
TExportTextEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; mode, index: integer;
var OutText: string) of object;
TLanguage = (lgUnknown, lgEnglish, lgGerman, lgFrench, lgSpanish);
TQuad = array[1..4] of TPoint;
TRescaleMode = (sctMeanCenter, sctStandardize, sctConstSum, sctConstSquaredSum,
sctMaxAbs, sctRange, sctQNormalize, sctSquash, sctUndefined);
TRectDouble = record
case Integer of
0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: double);
1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TPointDouble);
TVarKind = (rnum,dnum,snum,inum,lnum,Bool,strg);
FeedBackProcType = procedure (StateCnt: double);
{ general procedure type for callback routines }
TMouseBoxState = (msNormal, msFirstCorner, msRectDraw, msFinished);
TMouseActMode = (maNone, maPan, maPanHoriz, maPanVert, maPanGrid, maRubberBand,
maZoom, maZoomWind, maZoomWindPos,
maZoomDrag, maDragCrossH, maDragLabel,
maRotate, maRotAndZoom, maRotXOnly, maRotZOnly,
maSelectRect, maDrawMTrace, maZoomPanColors);
TZoomState = (zsNormal, zsDrawWin);
TZoomPanEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject) of object;
TSelectRectEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Layer: integer;
LoX, LoY, HiX, HiY: double) of object;
TOnPercentDoneEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; PercentDone: integer) of object;
TOnCheckAbortEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var Abort: boolean) of object;
TOnRubberBandActionEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; APoint: TPoint) of object;
TFeedbackProc = procedure (Sender: TObject; StateCnt: double;
PercentDone: double);
ESDLError = class(Exception); { general exception type to indicate errors }
TDTLabel = class (TPersistent) { parameters of DateTime labels }
FTimeFormat : TTimeFormat;
FDateSeparator: char;
FTimeSeparator: char;
FYearLength : TYearLength;
FMonthName : boolean;
FDateOrder : TDateOrder;
FDateForTime : TDateForTime;
FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
procedure SetTimeFormat (Value: TTimeFormat);
procedure SetDateForTime (value: TDateForTime);
procedure SetDateSeparator (Value: char);
procedure SetTimeSeparator (Value: char);
procedure SetYearLength (value: TYearLength);
procedure SetMonthName (value: boolean);
procedure SetDAteOrder (value: TDateOrder);
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure AssignTo (Dest: TPersistent); override;
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
procedure Changed;
property TimeFormat: TTimeFormat
read FTimeFormat write SetTimeFormat;
property DateSeparator: char
read FDateSeparator write SetDateSeparator;
property TimeSeparator: char
read FTimeSeparator write SetTimeSeparator;
property YearLength: TYearLength
read FYearLength write SetYearLength;
property MonthName: boolean
read FMonthName write SetMonthName;
property DateOrder: TDateOrder
read FDateOrder write SetDateOrder;
property DateForTime: TDateForTime
read FDateForTime write SetDateForTime;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent
read FOnChange write FOnChange;
{$I ..\includefiles\inc_names.pas} // contains various names
{$I ..\includefiles\inc_xmltags.pas} // defines text tags for XML processing
CSVDELIMITERS : array [TCSVDelimiters] of char =
(#0,' ',';',',',':',#9);
CSVDELIMITERIDS : array[TCSVDelimiters] of string =
('undefined', 'blank', 'semicolon', 'comma', 'colon', 'tab');
SMALLPOSNUM = 1e-15; // small non-zero number
IDS_RESCALEMODE : array[TRescaleMode] of string =
('sctMeanCenter', 'sctStandardize', 'sctConstSum',
'sctConstSquaredSum', 'sctMaxAbs', 'sctRange',
'sctQNormalize', 'sctSquash', 'sctUndefined');
IDS_APPLYCOLROW : array[TApplyColRow] of string =
('apColumns', 'apRows');
DistModeId : array[TDistMode] of string =
('Jaccard coefficient', 'Manhattan', 'Euclidean',
'squared Euclidean', 'Dice coefficient', 'user defined');
HTMLLat1Entities : array[160..255] of string[8] =
(' ', '¡', '¢', '£', '¤',
'¥', '¦', '§', '¨', '©',
'ª', '«', '¬', '', '®',
'¯', '°', '±', '²', '³',
'´', 'µ', '¶', '·', '¸',
'¹', 'º', '»', '¼', '½',
'¾', '¿', 'À', 'Á', 'Â',
'Ã', 'Ä', 'Å', 'Æ', 'Ç',
'È', 'É', 'Ê', 'Ë', 'Ì',
'Í', 'Î', 'Ï', 'Ð', 'Ñ',
'Ò', 'Ó', 'Ô', 'Õ', 'Ö',
'×', 'Ø', 'Ù', 'Ú', 'Û',
'Ü', 'Ý', 'Þ', 'ß', 'à',
'á', 'â', 'ã', 'ä', 'å',
'æ', 'ç', 'è', 'é', 'ê',
'ë', 'ì', 'í', 'î', 'ï',
'ð', 'ñ', 'ò', 'ó', 'ô',
'õ', 'ö', '÷', 'ø', 'ù',
'ú', 'û', 'ü', 'ý', 'þ',
ISO639_2Char: array[TLanguage] of string[2] = ('??', 'en', 'de', 'fr', 'es');
ISO639_3Char: array[TLanguage] of string[3] = ('???','eng','ger','fre','spa');
LENGBUF4096 = 4096;
LENGBUF16K = 16384;
{$IFDEF PAIDVERS} // max. number of RChart layers
MAXMTRACE = 5000; // max. number of vertices of a mouse trace
TNameStr = string[LENGNAMESTR];
TBuf4096 = array[1..LENGBUF4096] of byte; // 2^12 bytes
TBuf16K = array[1..LENGBUF16K] of byte; // 2^14 bytes
TDataBuffer = array[1..MaxInt] of byte;
TBytes = array of byte; // required only for Win32
// TBytes is declared in (.net) Borland.Delphi.System
// required as a dummy for FireMonkey - has no effect
TPenStyle = (psSolid, psDash, psDot, psDashDot, psDashDotDot,
psClear, psInsideFrame, psUserStyle, psAlternate);
TCrossHair = class (TPersistent)
FPosX : double; { crosshair x position }
FPosY : double; { crosshair Y position }
FColor : TColor; { color of crosshair }
FMode : TCrossHMode; { mode of crosshair }
FLineType : TPenStyle; { type of crosshair line }
FLineWid : integer; { width of crosshair line }
FLayer : integer; { layer information }
FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
procedure SetCrossHPosX (value: double);
procedure SetCrossHPosY (value: double);
procedure SetCrossHColor (value: TColor);
procedure SetCrossHMode (value: TCrossHMode);
procedure SetCrossHLineType (value: TPenStyle);
procedure SetCrossHLineWid (value: integer);
procedure SetCrossHLayer (value: integer);
procedure AssignTo (Dest: TPersistent); override;
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
procedure Changed;
procedure SetPos (xpos, ypos: double);
property PosX: double
read FPosX write SetCrossHPosX;
property PosY: double
read FPosY write SetCrossHPosY;
property Color: TColor
read FColor write SetCRossHColor;
property Layer: integer
read FLayer write SetCrossHLayer;
property Mode: TCrossHMode
read FMode write SetCrossHMode;
property LineType: TPenStyle
read FLineType write SetCrossHLineType;
property LineWid: integer
read FLineWid write SetCrossHLineWid;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent
read FOnChange write FOnChange;
TCustomTextLabel = class (TPersistent)
FPosX : double; { crosshair x position }
FPosY : double; { crosshair Y position }
FLayer : integer;{layer where text label is attached to }
FXShadow : integer; { dx of label shadow }
FYShadow : integer; { dy of label shadow }
FColorShadow : TColor; { color of shadow }
FAlignment : TAlignment; { horizontal alignment of label }
FVertAlign : TVerticalAlignment; { vert. alignment of label }
FAttachDat : TTxtLblAttachMode;{determines whether position
is attached to screen or data }
FColorBkg : TColor; { color of background }
FColorBrd : TColor; { color of border line }
FTransPar : boolean; { TRUE: box is transparent }
FFont : TFont; { text font }
FCaption : string; { text of label }
FMode : TTxtLblMode; { display mode of text label }
FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
FVisible : boolean; { TRUE: label is visible }
procedure SetTxtLblAlignment (al: TAlignment);
procedure SetTxtLblVertAlignment (al: TVerticalAlignment);
procedure SetTxtLblPosX (value: double);
procedure SetTxtLblPosY (value: double);
procedure SetTxtLblColorBkg (value: TColor);
procedure SetTxtLblColorBrd (value: TColor);
procedure SetTxtLblColorShadow (value: TColor);
procedure SetTxtLblLayer (value: integer);
procedure SetTxtLblVisible (value: boolean);
procedure SetTxtLblTranspar (value: boolean);
procedure SetTxtLblMode (value: TTxtLblMode);
procedure SetTxtLblFont (value: TFont);
procedure SetTxtLblCaption (value: string);
procedure SetTxtLblScreenPos (value : TTxtLblAttachMode);
procedure SetTxtLblShadowDx (value: integer);
procedure SetTxtLblShadowDy (value: integer);
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure AssignTo (Dest: TPersistent); override;
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
procedure Changed;
property PosX: double
read FPosX write SetTxtLblPosX;
property PosY: double
read FPosY write SetTxtLblPosY;
property Layer: integer
read FLayer write SetTxtLblLayer;
property AttachToData: TTxtLblAttachMode
read FAttachDat write SetTxtLblScreenPos;
property ColorBkg: TColor
read FColorBkg write SetTxtLblColorBkg;
property ColorBorder: TColor
read FColorBrd write SetTxtLblColorBrd;
property ColorShadow: TColor
read FColorShadow write SetTxtLblColorShadow;
property ShadowDx: integer
read FXShadow write settxtlblshadowdx;
property ShadowDy: integer
read FYShadow write SetTxtLblShadowDy;
property Transparent: boolean
read FTransPar write SetTxtLblTransPar;
property Alignment: TAlignment
read FAlignment write SetTxtLblAlignment;
property VerticalAlignment: TVerticalAlignment
read FVertAlign write SetTxtLblVertAlignment;
property Font: TFont
read FFont write SetTxtLblFont;
property Mode: TTxtLblMode
read FMode write SetTxtLblMode;
property Caption: string
read FCaption write SetTxtLblCaption;
property Visible: boolean
read FVisible write SetTxtLblVisible;
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent
read FOnChange write FOnChange;
procedure WriteToOpenXMLFile (var OutFile: TextFile;
CreateHeader: boolean; DataID: string;
Indent: integer);
function ReadFromOpenXMLFile (var InFile: TextFile;
DataID: string): boolean;
ProcStat : double; { state of process }
LastProcStat : double; { process state at last update }
AbortMathProc : boolean; { TRUE: signal abortion of math procedure }
MathFeedBackProc : FeedBackProcType; { global math feedback procedure }
{ this callback procedure should be declared in the
application program which uses the time-consuming math
routines. It has to be of type 'FeedBackProcType' and gets
the value of variable 'ProcStat' passed. In its body this
routine uses the value of 'cnt' to display the status of a
math routine. The feedback routine can be switched off by
assigning a NIL pointer to it }
function CreateMarkAsBitmap (Mark: byte; FGColor, BGColor: TColor;
Margin: integer): TBitMap;
procedure DrawFrame (cv: TCanvas; fs: TFrameStyle; Left, Top, Right,
Bottom: integer; White, Silver, Gray, Black, SimpleFCol: TColor);
procedure DrawMarkOnCanvas (const canv: TCanvas; Mark: byte; x, y: integer);
procedure DrawRectangle (const cv: TCanvas; Left, Top, Right, Bottom: integer);
function FontIsTrueType (FontName: string): boolean;
procedure PrintBitmap (Bitmap: TBitmap; X, Y: integer);
function ResolveCSVDelimiter (Delimiter: char): TCSVDelimiters;
procedure SetCanvasFontSizeScaled (const Canvas: TCanvas; FontSize: integer);