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Interface of SDL_RasterLab |
const defLabelWidth = 400; { default width of label } {$IFDEF PAIDVERS} SDLVersionInfo = 'rasterlab_r1200_full'; IsLightEd = false; {$ELSE} SDLVersionInfo = 'rasterlab_r1200_lighted'; IsLightEd = true; {$ENDIF} Release = 1200; type ESDLRasterLabError = class(ESDLError); { exception type to indicate errors } TRDBlockMode = (rdbmOff, rdbmOn, rdbmRaster); TRDScrollMode = (rdsmOff, rdsmLeft, rdsmRight, rdsmDown, rdsmUp); TRDCharMatrix = record { character map, 256 chars, max 32x32 bits per char } FontWidth : integer; FontHeight : integer; LeftMostBit : array [0..255] of byte; RightMostBit : array [0..255] of byte; BitData : array [0..255,0..31] of longint; end; TRasterLab = class (TGraphicControl) private FCMat : TRDCharMatrix; FFrameStyle : TFrameStyle; { style of frame } FScrollMode : TRDScrollMode; FScrollPosX : integer; FScrollPosY : integer; FScrollLoop : boolean; FScrTimerHandle : HWND; FScrTimerEnabled : boolean; FAutoCenter : boolean; FTextBitLength : integer; FOnScrollTimer : TNotifyEvent; FScrollIv : integer; FScrollInc : integer; FLabText : string; { text string to be displayed } FColorLabBakG : TColor; { color of label background } FColorDotOn : TColor; { color of label text } FColorDotOff : TColor; { inactive color of label text } FColBlackLine : TColor; { colors to draw the frame } FColGrayLine : TColor; { -"- } FColWhiteLine : TColor; { -"- } FAutoHeight : boolean; { TRUE: automatic size adjustment } FCharBlockMode : TRDBlockMode; { display mode for dark LED dots } FColorScheme : TColorScheme; { color scheme of frames } FOnScrLoopRestart: TNotifyEvent; FProportional : boolean; {TRUE: proportional character display } FDotSize : integer; FDotSpacing : integer; FXPos : integer; { relative position of displayed code } FYPos : integer; procedure AdjustAutoHeight; procedure AdjustAutoCenter; function CalcTextBitLength (txt: string): integer; procedure SetColorLabBakG (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorDotOn (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorDotOff (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorScheme (Value: TColorScheme); procedure SetFrameStyle (value: TFrameStyle); procedure SetLabText (value: string); procedure SetCharBlockMode (value: TRDBlockMode); procedure SetProportional (value: boolean); procedure SetAutoHeight (value: boolean); procedure SetAutoCenter (value: boolean); procedure SetDotSpacing (value: integer); procedure SetDotSize (value: integer); procedure SetOnScrollTimer(Value: TNotifyEvent); procedure SetXPos (value: integer); procedure SetYPos (value: integer); procedure SetCharMatrix (value: TRDCharMatrix); procedure SetScrollMode (value: TRDScrollMode); procedure SetScrollLoop (value: boolean); procedure SetScrollIv (value: integer); procedure SetScrollInc (value: integer); procedure UpdateTimer; protected procedure AssignTo (Dest: TPersistent); override; procedure MouseMove (Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: integer); override; procedure ScrollTimerEvent(Sender: TObject); procedure DoTimer; dynamic; procedure DoScrLoopRestart; dynamic; procedure Paint; override; procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); { virtual method of base class is hidden deliberately } procedure FontChanged (Sender: TObject); procedure PaintString (cv: TCanvas; CMat: TRDCharMatrix; PosX, PosY: integer; txt: string; DotSize, DotSpacing: integer; ColorFg, ColorFgIA, ColorBg: TColor; CharBlocks: TRDBlockMode; Proportional: boolean; var TextBitLength: integer); function PaintChar (cv: Tcanvas; CMat: TRDCharMatrix; PosX, PosY: integer; c: char; DotSize, DotSpacing: integer; ColorFg, ColorFgIA, ColorBg: TColor; FixedWidth: boolean): integer; public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; property CharMatrix: TRDCharMatrix read FCMat write SetCharMatrix; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; function CreateBitFont (Font: TFont): TRDCharMatrix; destructor Destroy; override; published property Align; property Anchors; property AutoHeight: boolean read FAutoHeight write SetAutoHeight; property AutoCenter: boolean read FAutoCenter write SetAutoCenter; property ColorLabBakG: TColor read FColorLabBakG write SetColorLabBakG; property ColorDotOn: TColor read FColorDotOn write SetColorDotOn; property ColorDotOff: TColor read FColorDotOff write SetColorDotOff; property ColorScheme: TColorScheme read FColorScheme write SetColorScheme; property DotSpacing: integer read FDotSpacing write SetDotSpacing; property DotSize: integer read FDotSize write SetDotSize; property Font; property FrameStyle: TFrameStyle read FFrameStyle write SetFrameStyle; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property PosX: integer read FXPos write SetXPos; property PosY: integer read FYPos write SetYPos; property Proportional: boolean read FProportional write SetProportional; property ScrollMode: TRDScrollMode read FScrollMode write SetScrollMode; property ScrollInterval: integer read FScrollIv write SetScrollIv; property ScrollIncrement: integer read FScrollInc write SetScrollInc; property ScrollLoop: boolean read FScrollLoop write SetScrollLoop; property CharBlockMode: TRDBlockMode read FCharBlockMode write SetCharBlockMode; property ShowHint; {$IFDEF GE_LEV17} (**) property StyleElements; {$ENDIF} property Text: string read FLabText write SetLabText; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseUp; property OnScrollTimer: TNotifyEvent read FOnScrollTimer write SetOnScrollTimer; property OnScrollLoopRestart: TNotifyEvent read FOnScrLoopRestart write FOnScrLoopRestart; end;