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Interface of SDL_NumLab |
const defLeftSpace = 35; { default left space } defPrecision = 2; { number of decimal places } defLabelWidth = 80; { default width of label } {$IFDEF PAIDVERS} SDLVersionInfo = 'numlab_r1200_full'; IsLightEd = false; {$ELSE} SDLVersionInfo = 'numlab_r1200_lighted'; IsLightEd = true; {$ENDIF} Release = 1200; type TDisplay = (dtFloat, dtFixP, dtExp, dtHex, dtZeroInt, dtInt, dtDateTime, dtState, dtBin, dtOct, dtDeg, dtDegMin, dtDegMinSec, dtEEng, dtEEngNoDP); TBeforeDisplayEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; var Text: string) of object; TNumLab = class (TGraphicControl) private FLeftSpace : integer; { space for text left to the label } FEmpty : boolean; { TRUE if empty label } FLabWidth : integer; { width of numeric field } FDecP : integer; { number of decimal places } FComma : boolean; { TRUE=comma, FALSE=dot as dec. sep. } FPlusSign : boolean; { TRUE=leading '+' sign for pos.nums } FTransParent : boolean; { TRUE: transparent outer background } FLeftText : string; { text at left of label } FRightText : string; { text at right of label } FFrameStyle : TFrameStyle; { style of frame } FStateText : string; { text to be displayed in dtState mode } FAlignment : TAlignment; { alignment of num. label } FLTAlignment : TAlignment; { alignment of left text } FRTAlignment : TAlignment; { alignment of right label } FMouseAreaCode: integer; { mouse pos. - area code } FOverFlowIndi : string; { overflow indicator } FLabValue : double; { numeric value of label } FEnabled : boolean; { TRUE: component is enabled } FColorLabBakG : TColor; { color of label background } FColorLabText : TColor; { color of label text } FColorOutBakG : TColor; { color of outer background } FColorOutText : TColor; { color of outer text } FColBlackLine : TColor; { colors to draw the frame } FColGrayLine : TColor; { -"- } FColWhiteLine : TColor; { -"- } FColorScheme : TColorScheme; { color scheme of frames } FDisplayType : TDisplay; { type of display: dec., hex,... } FDtFormat : string; { formatting string for date/time } FOnBeforeDisplay: TBeforeDisplayEvent; procedure SetLeftSpace (Value: integer); procedure SetColorLabBakG (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorLabText (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorOutBakG (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorOutText (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorScheme (Value: TColorScheme); procedure SetFrameStyle (value: TFrameStyle); procedure SetFComma (value: boolean); procedure SetFPlusSign (value: boolean); procedure SetAlignment (value: TAlignment); procedure SetLTAlignment (value: TAlignment); procedure SetRTAlignment (value: TAlignment); procedure SetLabWidth (value: integer); procedure SetLabValue (value: double); procedure SetStateText (value: string); procedure SetEmpty (value: boolean); procedure SetTransparent (value: boolean); procedure SetDecP (value: integer); procedure SetDtFormat (value: string); procedure SetLeftText (value: string); procedure SetRightText (value: string); procedure SetOverFlowIndi (value: string); procedure SetDisplayType (value: TDisplay); procedure SetEnabled (value: boolean); protected procedure AssignTo (Dest: TPersistent); override; procedure MouseMove (Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: integer); override; procedure Paint; override; public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property MouseAreaCode: integer read FMouseAreaCode; published property Align; property Alignment: TAlignMent read FAlignment write SetALignment; property Anchors; property ColorLabBakG: TColor read FColorLabBakG write SetColorLabBakG; property ColorLabText: TColor read FColorLabText write SetColorLabText; property ColorOutBakG: TColor read FColorOutBakG write SetColorOutBakG; property ColorOutText: TColor read FColorOutText write SetColorOutText; property ColorScheme: TColorScheme read FColorScheme write SetColorScheme; property Comma: boolean read FComma write SetFComma; property DisplayType: TDisplay read FDisplayType write SetDisplayType; property DTFormat: string read FDTFormat write SetDtFormat; property Empty: boolean read FEmpty write SetEmpty; property Enabled read FEnabled write SetEnabled; property Font; property ForcePlusSign: boolean read FPlusSign write SetFPlusSign; property FrameStyle: TFrameStyle read FFrameStyle write SetFrameStyle; property LabelWidth: integer read FLabWidth write SetLabWidth; property LeftSpace: integer read FLeftSpace write SetLeftSpace; property LeftText: string read FLeftText write SetLefttext; property LeftTextAlignment: TAlignMent read FLTAlignment write SetLTAlignment; property OverflowIndicator: string read FOverFlowIndi write SetOverFlowIndi; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property Precision: integer read FDecP write SetDecP; property RightText: string read FRightText write SetRightText; property RightTextAlignment: TAlignMent read FRTAlignment write SetRTAlignment; property ShowHint; property StateText: string read FStateText write SetStateText; {$IFDEF GE_LEV17} property StyleElements; {$ENDIF} property Transparent: boolean read FTransparent write SetTransparent; property Value: double read FLabValue write SetLabValue; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseUp; property OnBeforeDisplay: TBeforeDisplayEvent read FOnBeforeDisplay write FOnBeforeDisplay; end;