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Interface of SDL_NumIO |
1. TNumIOconst {$IFDEF PAIDVERS} SDLVersionInfo = 'numio_r1200_full'; IsLightEd = false; {$ELSE} SDLVersionInfo = 'numio_r1200_lighted'; IsLightEd = true; {$ENDIF} Release = 1200; type TInFormat =(itExp,itFloat,itFixPoint,itInt,itHex,itOct,itBin,itDynamic); TNumIO = class(TCustomEdit) private FInFormat : TInFormat; { type of display: dec, hex,... } FFixPDecPl : integer; FOldText : String; {caches the input string to handle errors} FInternalChg : boolean; FBeep : boolean; { beep on illegal inputs? } FMinimum : double; { minimum allowed value } FMaximum : double; { maximum allowed value } FDecPSep : TDecPSep; procedure SetInputFormat (value: TInFormat); procedure SetRangeLow (value: double); procedure SetRangeHigh (value: double); procedure SetLabValue (x: double); function GetLabValue: double; procedure SetDecPSep (Value: TDecPSep); procedure SetFixPDecPl (value: integer); procedure SetEditText (txt: string); protected procedure AssignTo (Dest: TPersistent); override; function ConvertNumString (Instring: String; var DReslt: double): boolean; procedure Change; override; public constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign (Source: TPersistent); override; property Value: double read GetLabValue write SetLabValue; published property Anchors; property Align; property AutoSelect; property AutoSize; property Beep: boolean read FBeep write FBeep; property BorderStyle; property Color; {$IFNDEF ISCLX} property Ctl3D; property ParentCtl3D; {$ENDIF} property Cursor; property DecPlaceSep: TDecPSep read FDecPSep write SetDecPSep; property Enabled; property FixPointDecPlaces: integer read FFixPDecPl write SetFixPDecPl; property Font; property Height; property HelpContext; property HideSelection; property Hint; property InputFormat: TInFormat read FInFormat write SetInputFormat; property Left; property RangeHigh: double read FMaximum write SetRangeHigh nodefault; property RangeLow: double read FMinimum write SetRangeLow nodefault; property ReadOnly; property Name; property ParentColor; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Tag; property Text; property Top; property Visible; property Width; property OnChange; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; end;
2. TNumIO2const defLeftSpace = 35; // default left space defFixP = 2; // number of decimal places defSigDig = 6; // number of significant digits defTextBoxWidth = 80; // default width of input text box type ESDLNumIO2Error = class(ESDLError); // exception type to indicate errors TOnGaugeChangeEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; GaugeValue: double) of object; TNumIO2 = class (TCustomControl) private FLeftSpace : integer; // space for text left to the input box FSuppressPaint : boolean; // used to avoid premature painting FTextBoxWidth : integer; // width of numeric field FValueChanged : boolean; // flag to trigger OnChange event FDecP : integer; // no. of dec, places - fixed point FSigDig : integer; // no. of dec, places - fixed point FEnabled : boolean; // TRUE: control is enabled FButWidth : integer; // width of attached buttons FButSpace : integer; // space between edit field and button FButIncrem : double; // button increment FButVisible : boolean; // visibility of the inc/dec button FBut3D : boolean; // vis. appearance of button FButHeight : integer; // height of button FButColor : TColor; // color of button face FCaretTimerH : HWND; // handle for caret blinking timer FInBuffer : string; // input buffer FCaretPos : integer; // caret position FCaretVisib : boolean; // visibility state of caret FGaugeVisib : boolean; // visibility of gauge bar FGaugeHeight : integer; // height of gauge bar FGaugeWidth : integer; // width of gáuge bar FGaugeLeftMarg : integer; // left margin of gauge bar FGaugeTopMarg : integer; // top margin of gauge FGaugeColor : TColor; // color of gauge bar FGaugeColorBg : TColor; // background color of gauge bar FGaugeColorFrm : TColor; // frame color of gauge bar FGaugeFrameSt : TFrameStyle; // style of gauge frame FLeftText : string; // text at left of the input box FRightText : string; // text at right of the input box FFrameStyle : TFrameStyle; // style of frame FAlignment : TAlignment; // alignment of num. input text FLTAlignment : TAlignment; // alignment of left text FRTAlignment : TAlignment; // alignment of right text FMouseAreaCode : integer; // mouse pos. - area code FColorBoxBG : TColor; // color of text box background FColorBoxText : TColor; // color of text box FColorOutBG : TColor; // color of outer background FColorOutText : TColor; // color of outer text FColBlackLine : TColor; // colors to draw the frame FColGrayLine : TColor; // -"- FColWhiteLine : TColor; // -"- FColorWarnBG : TColor; // range over/underflow warning color FColorWarnTxt : TColor; // range over/underflow warning color FColorScheme : TColorScheme; // color scheme of frames FSelBegin : integer; // begin of selection range FSelEnd : integer; // end of selection range FDecPSep : TDecPSep; // decimal place separator FInputFormat : TInFormat; // type of display: dec., hex,... FKeyShifted : boolean; // key state (shift) FKeyCntrl : boolean; // key state (control) FHideSel : boolean; // hide selection when no focus FMaximum : double; // lower border of allowed range FMinimum : double; // upper border of allowed range FOnlineCheck : boolean; // perform online check of borders FBeep : boolean; // sound if invalid input FReadOnly : boolean; // no input possible FAutoSize : boolean; // adjust height automatically FOnChange : TNotifyEvent; // OnChange event FOnGaugeChange : TOnGaugeChangeEvent; // OnGaugeChange event procedure SetLeftSpace (Value: integer); procedure SetColorBoxBG (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorBoxText (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorOutBG (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorOutText (Value: TColor); procedure SetColorScheme (Value: TColorScheme); procedure SetFrameStyle (value: TFrameStyle); procedure SetGaugeFrameStyle (value: TFrameStyle); procedure SetGaugeVisib (value: boolean); procedure SetGaugeHeight (value: integer); procedure SetGaugeWidth (value: integer); procedure SetGaugeLeftMarg (value: integer); procedure SetGaugeTopMarg (value: integer); procedure SetGaugeColor (value: TColor); procedure SetGaugeColorBg (value: TColor); procedure SetGaugeColorFrm (value: TColor); procedure SetHeight (value: integer); procedure SetAlignment (value: TAlignment); procedure SetLTAlignment (value: TAlignment); procedure SetRTAlignment (value: TAlignment); procedure SetTextBoxWidth (value: integer); procedure SetNioText (value: string); procedure SetNioValue (value: double); function GetNioValue: double; function GetNioIntValue: integer; function GetHeight: integer; procedure SetReadonly (value: boolean); procedure SetAutoSize (value: boolean); procedure SetHideSel (value: boolean); procedure SetDecP (value: integer); procedure SetDecSep (value: TDecPSep); procedure SetSelBegin (value: integer); procedure SetSelEnd (value: integer); procedure SetSigDig (value: integer); procedure SetLeftText (value: string); procedure SetRightText (value: string); procedure SetInFormatType (value: TInFormat); procedure SetColorWarnBG (value: TColor); procedure SetColorWarnBoxText (value: TColor); procedure SetRangeLow (value: double); procedure SetRangeHigh (value: double); procedure SetButVis (value: boolean); procedure SetBut3D (value: boolean); procedure SetButHeight (value: integer); procedure SetButWidth (value: integer); procedure SetButSpace (value: integer); procedure SetButColor (value: TColor); procedure SetButIncrement (value: double); procedure CNKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown); message CN_KEYDOWN; procedure CNKeyUp(var Message: TWMKeyUp); message CN_KEYUP; procedure WMSetFocus(var Message: TWMSetFocus); message WM_SETFOCUS; procedure UpdateTimer; function XCoordsToCharPos (X: integer): integer; function CharPosToXCoords (cp: integer): integer; protected procedure CreateWnd; override; procedure AssignTo (Dest: TPersistent); override; procedure MouseMove (Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: integer); override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp (Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure Paint; override; procedure Click; override; procedure CaretTimerEvent(Sender: TObject); procedure SetEnabled (value: boolean); override; procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); // virtual method of base class // is hidden deliberately public ButtonPivots : TDoubleArray; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; procedure Changed; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function CheckValidity (Instring: string): boolean; property IntegerValue: integer read GetNioIntValue; property MouseAreaCode: integer read FMouseAreaCode; function OutOfRange: boolean; property SelBegin: integer read FSelBegin write SetSelBegin; property SelEnd: integer read FSelEnd write SetSelEnd; procedure SetFocus; published property Align; property Alignment: TAlignMent read FAlignment write SetALignment; property Anchors; property AutoSize: boolean read FAutoSize write SetAutoSize; property Beep: boolean read FBeep write FBeep; property ButVisible: boolean read FButVisible write SetButVis; property But3D: boolean read FBut3D write SetBut3D; property ButHeight: integer read FButHeight write SetButHeight; property ButWidth: integer read FButWidth write SetButWidth; property ButIncrem: double read FButIncrem write SetButIncrement; property ButSpace: integer read FButSpace write SetButSpace; property ButColor: TColor read FButColor write SetButColor; property ColorBoxBG: TColor read FColorBoxBG write SetColorBoxBG; property ColorBoxText: TColor read FColorBoxText write SetColorBoxText; property ColorOutBG: TColor read FColorOutBG write SetColorOutBG; property ColorOutText: TColor read FColorOutText write SetColorOutText; property ColorScheme: TColorScheme read FColorScheme write SetColorScheme; property ColorWarnBG: TColor read FColorWarnBG write SetColorWarnBG; property ColorWarnText: TColor read FColorWarnTxt write SetColorWarnBoxText; property Cursor; property DecPlaceSep: TDecPSep read FDecPSep write SetDecSep; property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled; property FixPointDecPlaces: integer read FDecP write SetDecP; property Font; property FrameStyle: TFrameStyle read FFrameStyle write SetFrameStyle; property GaugeColor: TColor read FGaugeColor write SetGaugeColor; property GaugeColorBg: TColor read FGaugeColorBg write SetGaugeColorBg; property GaugeColorFrame: TColor read FGaugeColorFrm write SetGaugeColorFrm; property GaugeHeight: integer read FGaugeHeight write SetGaugeHeight; property GaugeFrameStyle: TFrameStyle read FGaugeFrameSt write SetGaugeFrameStyle; property GaugeLeftMargin: integer read FGaugeLeftMarg write SetGaugeLeftMarg; property GaugeTopMargin: integer read FGaugeTopMarg write SetGaugeTopMarg; property GaugeVisible: boolean read FGaugeVisib write SetGaugeVisib; property GaugeWidth: integer read FGaugeWidth write SetGaugeWidth; property Height: integer read GetHeight write SetHeight; property HelpContext; property HideSelection: boolean read FHideSel write SetHideSel; property Hint; property InputFormat: TInFormat read FInputFormat write SetInFormatType; property Left; property LeftSpace: integer read FLeftSpace write SetLeftSpace; property LeftText: string read FLeftText write SetLefttext; property LeftTextAlignment: TAlignMent read FLTAlignment write SetLTAlignment; property Name; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property RangeHigh: double read FMaximum write SetRangeHigh nodefault; property RangeLow: double read FMinimum write SetRangeLow nodefault; property ReadOnly: boolean read FReadOnly write SetReadOnly; property RightText: string read FRightText write SetRightText; property RightTextAlignment: TAlignment read FRTAlignment write SetRTAlignment; property ShowHint; property SignificantDigits: integer read FSigDig write SetSigDig; {$IFDEF GE_LEV17} property StyleElements; {$ENDIF} property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Tag; property Text: string read FInBuffer write SetNioText; property TextBoxWidth: integer read FTextBoxWidth write SetTextBoxWidth; property Top; property Value: double read GetNioValue write SetNioValue; property Visible; property Width; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseUp; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnKeyDown; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; property OnGaugeChange: TOnGaugeChangeEvent read FOnGaugeChange write FOnGaugeChange; end;