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Declaration:property FrameStyle: TFrameStyle;

The property FrameStyle defines the style of the box enclosing the numeric value of the label. The following styles are available:

fsNone no box at all
fsSimple a single line box around the numeric value
fsLowered a box which appears to be lowered
fsRaised a box which seem to be raised against its background
fsEngraved an engraved line is drawn around the numeric value
fsEmbossed the box is formed by an embossed line around the value

Hint: Please note that the options fsEmbossed and fsEngraved are not supported for themed layouts. They could lead to unwanted visual effects if the application uses a themed layout.

Example: This property is used in the following example program (see for downloading the code): rasterlabel

Last Update: 2023-Dec-26