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Class: none
Declaration: [1] function FillArray (var Dst: TBoolArray; Value: boolean): integer;
[2] function FillArray (var Dst: TBool2DArray; Value: boolean): integer;
[3] function FillArray (var Dst: TIntArray; Value: integer): integer;
[4] function FillArray (var Dst: TInt2DArray; Value: integer): integer;
[5] function FillArray (var Dst: TInt3DArray; Value: integer): integer;
[6] function FillArray (var Dst: TInt4DArray; Value: integer): integer;
[7] function FillArray (var Dst: TIntArray; Value: integer; DstElemLo, DstElemHi: integer): integer;
[8] function FillArray (var Dst: TInt2DArray; Value: integer; DstColLo, DstRowLo, DstColHi, DstRowHi: integer): integer;
[9[ function FillArray (var Dst: TInt3DArray; Value: integer; DstColLo, DstRowLo, DstLayerLo, DstColHi, DstRowHi, DstLayerHi: integer): integer;
[10] function FillArray (var Dst: TInt4DArray; Value: integer; DstColLo, DstRowLo, DstLayerLo, DstTSlotLo, DstColHi, DstRowHi, DstLayerHi, DstTSlotHi: integer): integer;
[11] function FillArray (var Dst: TDoubleArray; Value: double): integer;
[12] function FillArray (var Dst: TDouble2DArray; Value: double): integer;
[13] function FillArray (var Dst: TDouble3DArray; Value: double): integer;
[14] function FillArray (var Dst: TDouble4DArray; Value: double): integer;
[15] function FillArray (var Dst: TDoubleArray; Value: double; DstElemLo, DstElemHi: integer): integer;
[16] function FillArray (var Dst: TDouble2DArray; Value: double; DstColLo, DstRowLo, DstColHi, DstRowHi: integer): integer;
[17[ function FillArray (var Dst: TDouble3DArray; Value: double; DstColLo, DstRowLo, DstLayerLo, DstColHi, DstRowHi, DstLayerHi: integer): integer;
[18] function FillArray (var Dst: TDouble4DArray; Value: double; DstColLo, DstRowLo, DstLayerLo, DstTSlotLo, DstColHi, DstRowHi, DstLayerHi, DstTSlotHi: integer): integer;

The function FillArray fills the destination matrix Dst with the value specified by the parameter Value. For each kind of array there are overloaded versions which allow either to fill the entire array (versions 1 to 4) or only part of it (versions 5 to 8). The parameters Dst...Lo and Dst...Hi specify the indices of the first and the last cell to be filled.

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... everything is OK
-1 ... the source matrix has zero size
-2 ... one of the parameters is out of range

Last Update: 2023-Feb-10