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Class: TRChart
Declaration: [1] procedure CopyToBitmapDAOnly (ABitmap: TBitmap; BlkWhite: boolean);
[2] procedure CopyToBitmapDAOnly (ABitmap: TBitmap; BlkWhite, IncludeCrossHairs: boolean);

The method CopyToBitmapDAOnly copies the data area of the chart to the bitmap ABitmap. The destination bitmap is automatically resized to contain the copied area. The bitmap is stored as a black-and-white copy if the parameter BlkWhite is set to TRUE. The currently visible crosshairs are only copied if IncludeCrossHairs is set to TRUE.

Hint: In contrast to CopyToBitmap CopyToBitmapDAOnly copies only the data area (not including the scale region).

Last Update: 2023-Dec-13