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Colors of TProgBar

The colors of the progress bar are created as follows: If the property ShowColorGradient is FALSE the color of the progress bar is uniform and determined by the property ColorMin. If the property ShowColorGradient is TRUE the progress bar is colored by an array of colors stored in the array property BarColors.

The colors in the array BarColors can be either set individually by assigning the values of the array, or they can be set to represent a color gradient by specifying the properties ColorMin and/or ColorMax. Changing any of these two properties will automatically trigger the calculation of a color gradient between ColorMin and ColorMax. The gradient is stored in the array property BarColors.

Whenever the value of the progress bar is changed, its colors are derived from the BarColors array. The mode how they colors of BarColors are mapped to the progress bar is determined by the property ColorMapMode. The three modes will create the impression that the BarColors array is moved, uncovered, or stretched.

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06