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Class: none
Declaration: [1] function CloneArray (Src: TBoolArray; var Dst: TBoolArray): integer;
[2] function CloneArray (Src: TBool2DArray; var Dst: TBool2DArray): integer;
[3] function CloneArray (Src: TIntArray; var Dst: TIntArray): integer;
[4] function CloneArray (Src: TInt2DArray; var Dst: TInt2DArray): integer;
[5] function CloneArray (Src: TInt3DArray; var Dst: TInt3DArray): integer;
[6] function CloneArray (Src: TInt4DArray; var Dst: TInt4DArray): integer;
[7] function CloneArray (Src: TDoubleArray; var Dst: TDoubleArray): integer;
[8] function CloneArray (Src: TDouble2DArray; var Dst: TDouble2DArray): integer;
[9] function CloneArray (Src: TDouble3DArray; var Dst: TDouble3DArray): integer;
[10] function CloneArray (Src: TDouble4DArray; var Dst: TDouble4DArray): integer;
[11] function CloneArray (Src: TIntArray; var Dst: TDoubleArray): integer;
[12] function CloneArray (Src: TInt2DArray; var Dst: TDouble2DArray): integer;
[13] function CloneArray (Src: TInt3DArray; var Dst: TDouble3DArray): integer;
[14] function CloneArray (Src: TInt4DArray; var Dst: TDouble4DArray): integer;
[15] function CloneArray (Src: TDoubleArray; var Dst: TIntArray): integer;
[16] function CloneArray (Src: TDouble2DArray; var Dst: TInt2DArray): integer;
[17] function CloneArray (Src: TDouble3DArray; var Dst: TInt3DArray): integer;
[18] function CloneArray (Src: TDouble4DArray; var Dst: TInt4DArray): integer;
[19] function CloneArray (Src: TSingleArray; var Dst: TDoubleArray): integer;
[20] function CloneArray (Src: TDoubleArray; var Dst: TSingleArray): integer;

The function CloneArray copies the contents of the source matrix Src to the destination matrix Dst. The destination matrix is automatically resized to the size of the source matrix. Please note that the versions [11] to [18] are made for the conversion between double precision arrays and integer arrays. The copied values of versions [15] to [18] are rounded to the nearest integer, values exceeding the valid range of integer numbers (interval [MaxInt,-MaxInt-1]) are confined to these limits.

The function returns the following error codes:

 0 ... everything is OK
-1 ... the source matrix has zero size

Last Update: 2023-Feb-06