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Unit: SDL_math2
Class: TSimAnnealVarSel
Declaration: property Alpha: double;

The property Alpha controls the temperature decrease during the annealing process. Please note that the form of decrease depends both on Alpha and the property CoolMode. The valid range of Alpha is between 0 and 1.0

Hint: The effectiveness of the annealing process not only depends on the cooling parameters but also on the parameter MaxNVars. If MaxNVars is low the number of possible variable combinations is low and the variable space gets exhausted early during the annealing - which might prevent the model from fully cooling down to FinalT. If this occurs, the variable selection becomes unstable (resulting in poor models). Thus you should check the actual final temperature after the annealing process is finished. If the property CurrentT is far away from FinalT you should increase Alpha.

Last Update: 2023-Nov-15